Brooke wakes up with a start; she sees Deacon holding the baby on one arm getting organised to go out, he's dressed very casually in sweatpants. He suddenly turns, noticing she's awake.....
Deacon: Oh, good timing, Babe; I've run your bath, I'm just organising his and once I've jumped into the shower we're good to go.....shouldn't be too late.....
Brooke: [drowsy, and nervous - she's trembling] Late?
Deacon: Yeah, c'mon Big Mama - shake a leg, you know these damn people don't like to be kept waiting....[looking down at the baby with a playfully conspiratorial whisper]....even if its only for a Forrester family picnic. (You can tell he's not impressed with either one or both of those 'f' words.) Brooke: [still confused and not moving becoming more awake trying to concentrate on what's going on around her] What are you doing here? [looking around her, noticing the playpen across the room] Where's Bridget.....?
Deacon: [walking towards the open door, stops short] Bridget? Don't you worry about her, she's been ready for over an hour, she and Eric Junior are playing computer games in the playroom. Get up.....[he looks concerned] Hey! are you OK? You seem shook up. Look, keep resting if you don't feel like getting up yet, it'll be no biggie if we're late. The hell with them actu.....
Brooke: Bridget and Eric Junior are in the ga.....?
Deacon: [coming back into the room depositing the baby in his playpen, looking concerned he goes over and sits by her on the bed] Yes sweetheart, where else would the kids be, they've been well trained for these borefests. I just hope Carmen is bringing Big Vin back in an orderly state or he'll hold us up even more - having to be thrown into the show....
B: Big Vin?
D: Yeah, Big Vinnie's not back yet. [he caresses her cheek] Budge and Eric Junior are keeping themselves nice and clean - until we get in the car at least - and when that other terror arrives its every man for himself [he smirks]....
B: [she brushes his hand away] What are you talking about? What are you - we - doing here? [gesturing around her] Why are you dressed like that, did you stay over? Were you due to visit Little Eric today? Where's Amber.....? [she turns around to him perplexed] Who is Vinnie?
D: What are you saying? Visit Little who? [he does a double-take] Aaaah, my baby's not completely awake yet, are you? [he brushes her cheek with his knuckles] Amber? You mean Taylor's nanny? I'm sure she and that household are repeating this same frenzied scene in their place, I guess. What would she be doing in our house? [He suddenly looks at her more closely and touches her forehead] Brooke?! You're burning up! Talk to me, are you OK?....Oh! [he suddenly stops and looks her in the eye] Who am I? What's my name? Do you remember? Oh god! Not again! You've had one of those crazy pregnancy dreams of yours, haven't you?
B: [total confusion] Pregnancy dreams?....
D: Who's Little Eric? [to himself] You don't know Vin? [becoming a bit panicked] Oh no, not again.....I'm calling your obstetrician! Right now! [muttering] although a neurologist is more what you need I reckon....idiots! they said the last one was a 'one-off'. I knew they were talking out their asses......
B: Stop! [she grabs his arm] Deacon stop. Of course I remember your name. Little Eric is your son - there in that playpen!
D: Ah, no hon, that's Brendon....Don't worry OK? Your name is Brooke Log....
B: [angry] Don't be stupid! I know my name is Brooke Logan! It appears it's other things I'm blatantly confused about. Where is Amber and Rick and why would my grown-up kids be playing in the playroom? Who the hell is 'Brendon' and this 'Big Vin'? AND WHY ARE YOU IN THIS ROOM!??? [looking around more closely] Where ARE we? This isn't my bedroom.....
D: Take it easy OK? [he picks up the phone and dials] Don't panic....
B: Don't tell me not to panic! I'm getting freaked out here. Just tell me what's going on. Yes I am a little feverish, but that's the least of my worries right now. Forget the doctor, just tell me what the hell is going on?....
D: [the line's engaged he stares at the phone for a second - he's trying to hold it together, you can tell he's lost his focus for the moment he needs to talk to the doctor. He moves closer to her] Grown-up kids? Brooke, you don't have grown-up children. [he's getting real anxious now himself as realisation dawns] Calm down, OK, hon? Are you feeling lost and confused [she nods] Can't remember those around you...[he looks over at the baby, then at the open door - more nodding] Don't worry OK? This memory loss thing just seems to be a feature of this pregnancy - I'm sure it'll be named after you, when these lamebrain doctors realise it's cerebral, not uterine. [she looks at him strangely] Hey! Don't be surprised at the vocab, Babe - this crazy pregnancy is an education. Believe. I'm going to try the doctor again, OK? [once he's pressed redial, the phone receiver is wedged under his chin, he's still talking to her, stroking her face; the phone's engaged again, he puts it down]
B: Carmen's alive? And why does she have this Big Vinnie? [its obvious she's trying to work things out but has no idea who this unfamiliar named person is]
D: Alive? Oh she's alive all right! She comes to visit Vincent some weekends, she took him to her mom's last night, she's bringing him back early because of the picnic.....
B: Is she your wife?
D: No, hon. We were never married - she became pregnant when we were going through our break-up. It was like the pregnancy heightened all that was negative in her feelings for me. [he becomes pensive looking over at the toddler] So when you became pregnant I was petrified you'd turn on me too.....[he snaps back] She didn't want the baby.....but I did.....
B: And he lives here with us? How old is he?
D: [reaching up, he takes down one of the many framed photos in the room] Here, recognise him? [she shakes her head, looking wonderingly at the frame] He's 6½ and fabulous. He's brought much joy into my life. Although I'm not saying he isn't a little devil.....
B: [smiling] Like his dad.....?
D: Hey! Brooke honey, what was our life like in this dream? Was it anything similar to this [he gestures around]
B: [emphatically shaking her head] It's coming back to me slowly, it's all so strange....tell me what all this [she gestures to the jumbled up room's appearance] is about....
D: This? We are all preparing for [indicating the clothes and other apparel strewn around] a family excursion. Another godawful Forrester bash, this time in the guise of a picnic. You're so lucky you've forgotten, actually. [he smiles] The Family [not said very politely] have called, no summoned us, all on this glorious Sunday afternoon to have yet another one of their tedious gatherings - to bitch and moan, lets be honest - and fools that we are, have thought of no good excuse to get out of this one. Still, I suppose with you getting another one of these attacks, we'll give it a miss. [she strokes his face in wonder, he captures her hand and kisses it] Can't say I'll be sorry....So here I am trying to get myself ready whilst you have a well deserved nap.......but with this confinement you just don't know what your waking up portends.....[shaking his head in wonder at himself]....Portends!.....I'm even speaking like these geeks now!
B: [still not convinced of this reality] so you're not married to Bridg....
D: [leaning over to the phone again, looking at her and smiling]....married to Bridget? Naaah Babe, they wouldn't allow it - she's not yet nine. [pressing redial and looking at her] Where do you go to with these dreams? [gently touching her face] But this time it's actually brought you out in a fever, which can't be a good thing. One consolation I suppose - you remembered me in this. one...[He finally gets through to an emergency service] Oh, hello? ....Yes, hello this is Deacon Sharpe, my wife Brooke Logan is running a temperature and has woken up without her memory - again....second trimester.....yes that's right, but this one is different.....look I don't know about these things you're the professionals....just call me a overly concerned husband, but I think she needs to see someone.....yeah that's right it happened before....yep that's right, the big house near....that's right.......thank you. Thank you very much.
B: [eyes are like saucers now, staring at 'her husband' in shock] We're married?!?!.....but....but what about Bridget.....? [she struggles to get up off the bed but falls back. She's dizzy......he hurriedly leans over to forestall her, dropping the phone on the bed. But she's determined to leave the bedroom.
D: Easy there, easy Baby. Where are you going....?.....all right, all right, I've gotcha. I'll help you, OK?
He walks with her outside into the passageway, she goes over to a door and opens it.....inside we see young Bridget and Eric Junior totally absorbed in heir pursuits, they barely look up.
Eric Junior: [not looking up] Has Vinnie arrived?
Deacon: No, your mother just wanted to....[he looks at his wife] um, check on you.
Bridget: Awww mom! We are still totally clean and tidy, just like when you left us!
Eric Junior: Any word from Ceej?
D: [looking at Eric Jr] No. And you'll KNOW when that boy enters this house [they all laugh]
Brooke is stunned and sways a little, like she's going to faint.
Eric Junior & Bridget: Mom! Mom! are you OK?
D: Its all right kids. Your mother is just very tired - I'm taking her back to our room, you just play quietly, OK? Shut the door behind me.....
He scoops Brooke up in his arms and carries her back to the bedroom....
......Hey! Hey! Babe, take it easy. The doctor will be here soon OK? Hopefully you should have snapped out of this by then.....
B: [she looks at him in confusion, still not sure of this reality] What happened? I don't understand. Am I still dreaming?.....What's going on?
D: [placing her on the bed, he kisses her] What just happened back are you're still very hot, but the shaking has stopped. I don't like the way you're acting at all. Don't worry Brooke, it will be all right. You stay here with Brendon, I'm just going to check the bath. I'll get someone to call the mansion and tell them the situation, OK? I'm going to stay right here with you until the doctor arrives. Do you want something to drink? Eat?
B: [she shakes her head] Brendon?
D: [indicating the toddler] Yes, Brendon.....[touching her face]
B: Who is he if he's not your son Little Eric....?
D: [touching her face] Little Eric? He's little Brendon - he's our son, baby. Yours and mine......
B: [smiling, feeling slightly better] We're married.....and Little Er....Brendon is ours? Oh my god! How long? How long have we been married Deacon?
D: We've been married for over 5 years. We live here with your children....and my son, Vincent and we have our own; Brendon. And now we're expecting again..... [smiling] Its kinda like The Brady Bunch - just with an aristocratic/blue collar flavour. [holding her tightly again, she moves away from him, staring at him puzzled]
B: [accusingly] You don't smoke! You don't smell like cigarettes!
D: [shocked laughter] No I don't. Did I? In the dream, I mean? [she nods] Don't worry, Baby. You'll be getting your memory back soon. This don't last long....
Catherine, the nanny, appears by the open door, Brooke is stunned
B: [whispering to him] She works for us?
D: Yeah. [whispering back] There's also Theodore and Charlotte, our housekeeper and general handyman/gardener. She's [looking at Catherine] a godsend, we couldn't manage our life/lives without her - any of them, we're a lot to handle, in fact we're on the look out for another helper..... [they both turn and smile at the nanny]
Catherine: Do you want any help? Look at the time, you're going to be....[she sees the scene and goes to pick up the baby who is happily playing] everything all right?
D: Brooke's not feeling too good, I've called the doctor. Please take him. Thanks Cath, I've set everything up, I was just about to check the water - it must be stone cold by go......look after him, we'll be fine....
C: Have you spoken to Carmen? Will Big V need a thorough overhaul too, or just a wipe down and change of clothes?
D: She called about 15 minutes ago, they should be here in about an hour. The little man was clean and exuberant - at that moment. Let's hope he doesn't collide with candy or juice between now and then...just put out a spare change of clothes for him.....just in case [they both chuckle] Oh do me a favour please, get someone to call Eric and tell him we may not be able to make it, I'll call him myself later to confirm that.....
C: OK, and I'll take him [looking at the baby in her arms] to the playroom when he's dressed
D: Thanks
When Catherine and Brendon have left Deacon's full concentration is on his wife once more.....
.....Brooke? Talk to me? What's happening this time? [Touching her face, pushing her hair aside, she touches him too, like she glorying in being able to touch him without guilt].....tell me what you've dreamed about? I was in it, this time, wasn't I? Yes, obviously - you recognised me and didn't start screaming the house down scaring us all. It's just two of our sons got lost along the way this time, eh? Was it bad? You've stopped shaking anyway...[holding her close, again]....don't worry, the doctor will soon be here.
B: So the baby is ours?
D: Yes. He was born almost three years ago....
B: Yes. How long have we been married? Five years you say? [he nods] You're not married to Br.....[looks towards the open door] No, she's still a.... So obviously this pregnancy is ours too? Isn't it? [she touches her abdomen, he puts his hand over hers and nods] And we're really together - married? Nothing is in our way? I have a history you know? [she looks up at him] Don't I? A bad reputation. Do you have a wife, I mean besides me? You never know, this all seems too good to be true. I could be caught up in a bigamy trap, why not, with my luck that's what you'll tell me next......
D: [trying to calm her] Hush, baby. Your only bad luck has been with Ridge, but that's over now....
B: [the 'dream' has caught her - she's ranting] How about a fiancée? A girlfriend? Angry mothers? [he shakes his head, stroking her arms trying to pacify her, but letting her rant] No? Don't tell me there wasn't nearly murders because of 'Big Vinnie'? His mother, surely must have been a dramatic trauma to overcome!?!
D: [sorrowfully shaking his head] No baby. No obstacles. She'd walked long before you stumbled into my bar....
B: [calming down] OK then, tell me how we met...
D: [Looking down at her, laughing] How we met? Well, that's easy enough, ma'am. You came into The Lair one momentous night, you were meeting up with friends for a bachelorette party. Naturally it was the wrong place, but lucky for me, eh? [he smiles as he reminisces -he looks down at her] do you remember any of this?
B: [looking more relaxed, but still totally confused, shakes her head].....sounds like the beginning of a good yarn though. [suddenly looks at him] Was I married - were you?
D: No, no, we were both alone and single
B: [breathing easier] So, what happened, at your bar I mean?
D: It is a very good 'yarn' one we will tell our grandkids. Well, an edited version I suppose [he chuckles]......You walked into the crowded bar and our eyes met instantly ....[her eyebrows rise] I'm not messin' was like being hit by lightening!..
B: For me too?
D: Yeah for you too [touches her face]!...I was mesmerised.....I saw you and knew you were in the wrong place. But I knew too that this was, like, meant to happen, y'know? [he's totally lost in the moment now and we can see his memory, his ~~flashback~~ of this scene. He snaps back].....once I realised your mistake I told you how to get to the other bar. We talked some before you went to meet your friends.....actually we talked a missed most of that party coming right down to it.....
B: [nudging him] and then?
D: And then, my little minx, you came back to the bar as we were closing up....
B: [she chuckles at that] I did!? Were you surprised? [She looks up at him] Were you pleased?
D: [grinning] Huuunneeee, what do you think....?
B: [she looks him up and down] We have an awesome sex life, don't we?
D: [blushing] Ah yeah, babe it's fierce!
B: [laughing] Why are you blushing? The Deacon in my dream never blushed - in fact he had no shame.
D: Trust me Ms Logan, these ruddy cheeks have NOTHING to do with shame - you just caught me off guard with that comment is all.....
B: Yeah, right [still laughing at him]
The doorbell goes
D: [Getting up] OK, that man o' science must have broken every speeding violation; either that, or it's Eric Junior's friend CJ and his mother. He was tagging along too, poor sucker, still, it's company for the kids....
B: CJ?! .....he's little too, I suppose?
D: [giving her that look again].....ah, yes Babes, he's Eric Junior's pal so he's 'little too'. The same 11 or 12, I back in a moment, OK? is CJ and Sally. She's dropping him off
Sally: Behave yourself young man. [and to Deacon] his father will be picking him up later.....
D: Ah Sally, Brooke's not feeling too good, I doubt we'll still be going - but CJ is more than welcome to hang out here for the afternoon....
CJ is already bounding up the stairs....
S: Is she all right? Is everything OK?
D: Yeah, I/we think so, the doctor is on his way...its just Brooke having one of her crazy amnesiac spells again. She thinks I was married to Budge! [they both laugh, he sobers] boy, will I be glad when this pregnancy is over!
Sally pats him on the shoulder
S: [grinning] Buck up, young fella. Your troubles begin after the delivery - you know that! Send Brooke my best wishes, well I've gotta a hot date and must run. Ciao [she waves, giggling]
Brooke is in the baby's room by the time Deacon has come back up stairs. She's watching Catherine administer young Brendon leaning against the door frame. Deacon finds her there....
D: Are you OK? Did you look in on the kids? Shall I check CJ has settled in?
B: [She shakes her head and. We hear them] He's fine. They all are....[suddenly] Where's Thorne?!
D: Thorne? Where do you think he is? He's in his new house with his playmate du jour, as you folks like to say and if he's bringing her I hope she can handle Old Steffer's bile, that women has such a hide! Imagine still being so condescending and critical in her position? [he's shaking his head in wonder whilst leading Brooke back to their bedroom]
B: Don't play games with me Mr Sharpe! [his eyebrows rise] I still want to know what's going on!! [She seems frightened, more so than when she awoke....]
Deacon sits her down on the chaise in their bedroom and gets her a glass of water from the dresser
D: First off, don't be frightened. As I told you, you will regain your memory soon, if this is anything like the other time you'll snap back within the hour. Don't worry, OK? I must tell you this is the second time you've had this kind of 'episode' - as the damned doctor called it. Near freaked us both out the last time. What with you not knowing/recognising me at all plus your insistence the mythical Thomas being a big secret was true and.....
B: [shocked] Mythical Thomas!?! You mean Taylor and Ridge don't have children?
D: [scathing sigh] Oh yeah, those two have brats! Stephan and Tabatha - 'Triggor' to the family [he's obviously not impressed]
B: No Thomas? No twins?
D: No, they didn't have twins. You know, that last 'dream' had you at loggerheads with an older Bridget...slaps and everything, a real mess [shaking his head, reminiscing]........That was creepy!
B: So then why did Ridge leave me the second time? If there was no Thomas?.....
D: Well, so far as Forrester legend has it, Grant came onto the scene and I gather you dumped Ridge for him.....he was preferable to the toxic combination of Ridge/Taylor/Stephanie on your back. Go figure. But don't quote me that's just what I read 'between the lines' from that episode in the Brooke/Ridge Saga.
B: All I remember is at first Grant was lovely....wonderful....a real nice guy......[she looks intently at her husband] then he changed on caused trouble with Rick ......and then after all that the marriage wasn't legal.....
D: Wasn't legal? That's not what I heard, Grant was divorce number three - the first marriage with Ridge being annulled an' all.....
B: [pondering]....yeah, that's right
D: So, was that what happened in the dream? [she nods] Good. I suppose. Do you want me to tell you all that's happened in the last......aaaaahhh....say 36 months/5 years? I dunno what time-span we're talking here, Babe and that's a lot to cover......No! YOU tell me what happened in the dream and I'll tell you what's real and what's fantasy, OK? Ummm, so, tell The Deakster - what is the last thing you remember or better yet, where did your dream begin?.....
B: [gathering her thoughts] Well.....Taylor and I made friends. The incessant triangle between the three of us (Ridge, her and me) was over thank god. I had been single for a long time. I was sad and lonely - and frustrated....
D: Good, good, that was after Grant - we met then....
B: Ohhhh.....Are we still friends then? Me and Taylor, I mean? [he shrugs, nods his head - its obviously no big deal - you get the feeling they (Deak & Tay) aren't pals] Brooke suddenly turns to him in a panic] Did I marry Thorne?
D: [shocked] Thorne!? No, never. Why would you...?
B: And Carmen is definitely the mother of your baby? Not Becky?
D: Why Thorne? [looking at her confused face] OK, no matter.....Becky? Who's Becky? Ooooh, you mean Amber's cousin? [scandalised] Of course not! Do you know how young she is? [stroking her face] Only come from the same neighbourhood hon, just the same neighbourhood, that's all, Jesus! Carmen is the mother of my child. She left me....well us actually...couldn't blame her though...She comes 'round to visit the boy....sometimes....
B: [stiffening] Are we rivals?
D: [surprised] Rivals? No, of course not. We're over. Oh so over....she don't want me....she don't even want our child....
B: [relieved, but impatiently butting in] Did we go to Venice?
D: [he smiles] Oh Baby! You remember that? Is your memory coming back?
B: [she's annoyed] No! I'm asking you questions aren't I?!
D: Yes, we went to Venice - we honeymooned there.
B: Ooohhh! [to herself] that's why.... Did I hire Morgan DeWitt?
D: [serious again, he has learnt the routine of this mercurial mood shift - like before - when Brooke is coming out of this trance her mind is erratic and Deacon has to keep his wits about him to answer all his wife's rapid fire questions] yes, you hired Morgan - she's doing a good job by all accounts.....
B: Is Amber a designer now?
D: [incredulous] Why, no, she is Ridge and Taylor's nanny - I told you...
B: Does Whipple Jones III exist?
D: [scowling] Oh yeah, that pric..... Yes Brooke, he's there.
B: You don't like him, right?
D: Don't you worry about it, I keep telling you. I won't bother him if he don't bother....
B: So you do work in Promotions with him?
D: [horrified] Me? You've got to be kidding! Me work in that madhouse? I've got all the lunacy I can handle at the bar, hon. Forrester don't hold no attraction for me....well except you of course....
B: [calculating in her mind] OK, so I never married Thorne, [looking towards the door] Bridget.....the kids are....[looking over at her husband] you never had anything to do with Amb....[she starts smiling, he smiles back] Ha! So it's all all right [she starts to laugh]
D: [confused he approaches her] Are you OK? What is happening? Do you want to lie down?
B: [Brushing him aside] No, Becky's not your babymother....[a sudden thought] is she alive?
D: Alive? Becky? Yeah of course, she works in the Las Vegas office.
B: Is Megan my assistant?
D: You promoted her years ago. She's now Head of Public Relations [smirking] and boy! does she have her work cut out for her!
B: [slowly, carefully you can tell she's frightened of the answer] Is Macy.....still.....with Thorne?
D: No. They split up a long time ago. I told you, Thorne's living the single life of a care-free bachelor and Macy's....
B: Is Kimberley real?
D: Real? That's up for debate I guess [he chuckles] Kimbo? Yeah, she's one of the models. Was she mixed up with Whip and Becky in the dream?
B: [absently] What? No, it was separate things - but everything's all coming back at once. Did Morgan lose her baby?
D: Morgan? No, she had her baby although it was all a big secret for some reason. Don't know why - and frankly I could care less....
B: OK, good. Did it cause a scandal - us getting married I mean?
D: Scandal? No, why should it? There was a big hoo-ha because I wasn't from your snooty crowd, but after the initial novelty factor wore off, the journo hounds evaporated. Old news. [grinning] Did a major boost for the bar though.
B: Is there a Massimo Marone?
D: That guy! What a dope! [sniggering] The old fool has swept that crazy old bitch off her feet. Now THERE was a scandal! How the mighty Ridigeo tumbled! Eric is still rocked by it - thank god for Lauren. Being with her saved he old guy from stroking out, I'm sure....
B: Eric's with Lauren!?? He didn't remarry Stephanie?
D: Those two remarried??! NO WAY! Eric and Lauren were wed a year or two before us - that's why we've been summoned to the haunted castle, oops I mean family residence. A minor wedding anniversary or some such, but I think she's gonna make 'an announcement'.....[shakes his head and laughs] the old goat still has it in him! [to himself] You people are too much.....
B: ....Do we have any trouble with Ridge? I mean do I....have, yearning for him or going after him or anything?
D: Ridge? Naaah! There was some friction, yeah - let's put it that way - friction when we were dating, but as the courtship was a whirlwind event - surprising the two of us most of all - he was stopped in his interfering tracks, you could say. Don't worry hon, I know there'll always be a place in your heart for that doofus. How many chances had you given the creep, though? And he blew every one [shakes his head in wonder and disgust] But I know you can't help yourself - it don't bother me, he's a loser. And hey, sweetheart, you're worth it.
B: [she returns his smile] Did we get married in Las Vegas?
D: Vegas!?!? [laughing, he gets up and takes a couple of framed photographs off the mantelpiece] Jesus baby! I tremble just thinking how much the final bill for that fête must have been! I know the drinks bill cost me a kidney! You said it was to be your last ever wedding and as such it was going to be memorable. And was it, ever!!!??? Wow! We got married in a church; reception at that massive hotel on Wiltshire; the whole nine yards. My family [shudders] your family - those idiot Forresters [eyes rolling to the ceiling].....Friends..... That made a big splash in the news. A good day....a great day....(he obviously has fond memories of it)
B: [pointing to a face in one of the frames] Who's that?
D: That's John! Eric's brother....he's to be godfa....
B: Eric's brother??!
Deacon goes over to a drawer and takes out a small album.
D: [bringing it over, pointing him out] Yeah, here he is at the ranch....
B: Ranch?
D: He loves horses, like you. We all go there sometimes. The kids find it a blast....
B: [she looks up at him in astonishment] We go riding together?
D: Sure thing, Babe. Hey! I was surprised as you are right now, that I would even know how to get on a horse, never mind handle them so well....or enjoy the sheer thrill of the outdoors....
B: [flicking through the album she suddenly stops at a photo] Who are they?
D: Oh [he smiles, its quite obvious he likes this side of the family] they're John's kids - they're great....
B: What are their names?
We see it's 'Rick' and 'Bridget'
D: Norris and Joanna. They are real nice kids, we see the whole family often.....actually if we make it to the picnic, we'll see them soon at Eric's. Its the one compensation this lousy....
B: [smiling] They were my grown up children: Rick and Bridget in the dream....
D: Jo and Norry?!....yeah, well that don't seem too peculiar I suppose. Hey! I was married to JoJo??? Oh babe! What were you thinking!!! [he's laughing, taking the album from her he flips over some pages and shows her another picture] This is JoJo's hunneee as she refers to him, Sean [we see 'CJ']. His parents own a neighbouring ranch.
B: Aaahhhh! I see....[she puts down the album and picks up one of the wedding photos again] Yes, well it was a dream - strange things happen in them. How many times have I been married, by the way?
D: How many ti....?....ummm, I dunno hon. Loads, ain't that what you society dames do? Let's see, there was Eric, then Ridge - twice, almost James....Grant....Chambers isn't it? I forget.....did I miss anyone? Oh almost the Connor guy too. Don't you feel strange about him still being your law....never mind. You people are too perplexing for me, I just keep out of it. Yeah Ms Logan, I'm Number 4, well 5 if you count Ridge twice I guess. And you're my number one! [he kisses her] and you always will be.......Hey! Guess what I heard, Babe? That Chambers guy's done all right for himself, I hear he....
B: Grant's alive???!!
D: Alive? Wow, that was some bloodbath you were wading through - was there an accident or something? ....yeah, yeah, he's fine and dandy. Him and Macy...
B: Macy?! [thinking it through] Yeah, Macy would still be ali....around too - naturally!
D: Yeah, him and Macy live near by actually. Boy, you people behave more like hillbillies than hillbillies [he quips, laughing].
B: [ignoring him, Brooke is still staring wonderingly at the photo] Who designed my dress?
D: It was Ridge actually. That guy's too weird. Well, whatever, he's caused me no aggravation for quite some time, so I'm keeping my mouth shut....
B: Has he? Did he cause trouble? [he gives her that 'as if' look] OK, so on a business level then - is Ridge vying for control of the company?
D: [hackles rising] Let him dare! No, what do you mean? You've got 51% of a company you've helped make into an international phenomenon, who would be foolish enough to try and wrest control from you?
B: So we're cool? We're happy? Do the kids like you? Were/are they all right with this marriage?
D: Yeah, everything's great. I surprise myself sometimes, especially putting up with the high and mighty Forresters. Because when I think how I was with Carm..... I mean, I've never been married before, but its OK. We've had our troubles, when you were carrying Bren I was so frightened you'd turn against me....
B: Like what happened before.....with Carmen.....?
D: Yeah! Oh God, was I scared, but by the 4th month and nothing had happened it became the best pregnancy you'd ever had you told me. This one on the other hand has been mega scary but these dreams don't seem to be anything but a feature of the pregnancy. All tests they've done are negative, obviously they can't be too invasive because of them....
B: Them?
D: Yeah! [Peacock proud] WE are having triplets! Three little angels. Little girls.....[the man is quite misty eyed]
B: [smiling at him, stroking his chest] Gosh! Will this house be big enough for us all?
D: Of course! That's one of the reasons why we chose the place when we got married.....
B: [suddenly looking up at him] Have I given you much trouble?
D: Trouble? You can't be serious! You are my rock, my one source of joy. You could never be trouble to me, never Brooke. This marriage has been pretty terrific I reckon. Well I have no you?
B: [She gets up and touches his face, he turns his head and kisses her palm] I don't think so. I feel very good around you, that's got to be a good sign, hasn't it?
He can see she's flagging again and picks her up and carries her to the bed [she looks up at him]
......Why did I marry you, you don't seem to be my type at all? But, it's funny, I know it sounds corny, but I feel so safe in your arms......with I'd trust you with my life. Is that how it is with us? You don't seem the type to give me this sense of security....Why did I marry you?
D: Hey! You proposed to me, Lady! [kissing the tip of her nose] In fact you begged me.....
B: [blushing] Are you all right with 'us' now though?
D: Brooke! What are you talking about? You were begging a pathetic coward! I was terrified of the intensity - the realness of it all at first. And after Carmen marriage was the very last thing on my mind, you knew that. I'm sorry to tease you whilst you're in this condition. 'You begged me' is our little joke. I knew we were 'forever' material from the moment our eyes first met......
B: [reassured and grinning now] So you accepted right away?
D: [grinning back] Hell, yes! I couldn't believe my luck, scared as I was I knew this was our destiny. The Incredible Brooke Logan wanted to marry me. Me! I was on Cloud 9 - still am, actually. You're the greatest.
B: Thank you kind, sir. [looks at him earnestly] Even in this strange dreamlike state I know this is different....
D: Different?
B: I feel different
D: How different?
B: Our relationship is different. This whole set-up [gesturing around] is different to anything I've shared with anyone before isn't it? I know it.
D: [cautious, anxious even] You know what?
B: That you are the only person to ever make me feel this way. So loved, needed, wanted, protected......
D: [beaming] So you feel that even through this cloudy mire?
B: Oh yes, and what is more I know you share these feelings too. I know you do. I do feel it too, don't you?
D: Feel what, babe?
B: Passion? Connection?....
D: Oh yes, its pretty energized!.....
B: Yes.....its stronger and deeper than anything I've had before....with anyone else.....with Ridge. I'm talking about Ridge of course.....
D: Oh Babe.....[his voice catches]
B: What's the matter?! [she touches his face then kisses his eyes] Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?
D: [he embrace her tightly] Oh Brooke....even in your amnesiac state you still prove our love is inviolate....thank you. Thank you. It's like you said those fabulous wedding vows of yours to me again. You really have vanquished that demon....
B: Demon....?
D: Yes The Ridge Demon, the demon that had stifled and damaged your heart for so many years. [strokes her hair] Imagine! You sad, lonely and doubting yourself? [turns angry] Over him, yet!
B: But I don't feel that way anymore, do I?
D: [wiping his eyes] No my darling, you certainly don't. And your words have only proved that. Thank you my love, thank you. [they lock in a tight embrace]
B: Oh Deacon have those doubts caused you much pain?
D: No, not really - I've always had faith in our love, I was just never 100% sure, let's not go there, you've just given me a wonderful gift. That's why I think of you as my light, my joy, my life....
B: Deacon! Even though my mind is still hazy I feel those wonderful feelings shining through. [she hugs him tightly] we really are happily married! I never thought I'd ever say those words. Thank YOU!
They just sit holding each other for a while
D: [brushing the hair from her face] Brooke....
B: Yes?
D: Why were you so shocked and horrified when you woke up just now? And why if I was married to JoJo was Becky my babymother? Oh I don't care about that actually, what I'm really curious about is me being your son-in-law. Did we have a typical confrontational son-in-law/mother-in-law relationship? Did I cause you much anxiety with JoJo......I mean 'Bridget'/whatever? Did we fight?
B: [clinging to him tighter] Don't worry about it. I'll tell you later....
D: What? What is it? Did I hurt you? Was I cruel to you? Did I do something bad? [looking earnestly into her eyes] because you know it was all a dream, I would never harm you, right? NEVER!
B: No, no. Don't worry, it was nothing like that. Nothing. I'll tell you later, honestly.....Now answer my question....Why did you marry me?
D: [his eyes widen, questioningly] I've often asked you that question. [then he smiles widely] Why do YOU thi....
Brooke interrupts him with a passionate kiss. When they break free, Deacon gets up to close the door.
B: Hello gorgeous! Where are you going? Where's my boy? Where's Big Vin? What time does the badass eagle land, did Carmen call and tell us when my boy will be back? [looking over at the clock, then suggestively raising her eyebrows] Lock the door lover! Do we have time for some afternoon delight before we're all herded off to that dreary picnic à la Forrester gathering?....
Deacon spins around - he's ecstatic......
D: Brooke! You're back!!! [he rushes over to her, kissing and stroking her face] Thank God! Thank God! Oh honey, you've just scared me to death with another one of those loss of memory episodes.....