Forbidden Love: A Deacon and Brooke Dedication
Part Two


Breacon Book Store

The music had ended and Brooke simply stared at the mysterious man. Go upstairs with a man she didn't know the first thing about? 'N-no.' she stammered. ' I can't. I don't know you.'

He grinned then, showing even white teeth. 'So you want to?'

Brooke seemed unable to tear her gaze from his. 'I..' the rest of her reply was lost as he took advantage of her open mouth, one hand moving from her waist to tangle in her hair. Brooke felt her loins tighten as his tongue stroked the interior of her mouth and a tiny moan escaped.

He drew back, looking into her eyes. He had a vague curiosity as to why she wanted to talk to him, but he wanted her in his arms, his bed, much worse. His conscience gave a slight twinge at not telling her who he was, but he pushed it away. 'Are you sure you won't join me?' he asked softly, stroking her jawline with his finger.

'I shouldn't.'

'Why not?' he whispered close to her ear.

Brooke shivered at the chill his deep voice caused. She laid her head against his chest, breathing deep, the smells of smoke and alcohol and something more adding to her arousal. He hands trailed up and then down her back, warming the the bare skin exposed there. Brooke nearly purred her pleasure, pressing herself closer, feeling his erection pressing against her.

He groaned, gripping her butt to hold her against him. 'Damn, you feel good.' he sighed against her hair. Her body was responding to him, moving ever so slightly against him. He dipped his head kissing her neck, and growled. 'Come to bed, Brooke.'

Brooke's conscience fought against her desire. It had been a long drought. Months since she'd been made love to. And then, by a man, who didn't love her enough. She thought bitterly of Thorne. She had always thought that there could be no sex without love, but her body was saying something else tonight. And really, she rationalized, where had giving herself out of love ever gotten her, except alone, left with a broken heart, full of broken promises. So, she didn't know his name. At least he didn't have the power to break her heart to pieces. She let her hands caress his chest through his shirt. She would not be lonely tonight. She looked into those deep blue eyes. 'Take me upstairs now.' she said breathlessly, grinding her hips into his pointedly.

'What do you mean, Rick?' Amber asked, her eyes full of worry. 'Of course, I can handle your life, but we shouldn't have to deal with a lot of stuff from your mother. I won't take it lying down this time.'

Rick rolled his eyes. 'Look, Mom is only worried about me. And you have to admit, some bad shit happened last time.'

Amber looked away. 'I know.' she said quietly. She turned to face him, completely serious. 'But how long will I have to pay for that mistake? I--' She waved her hand in frustration. 'You know what? No. I'm not rehashing this tonight.'

'Amber, don't worry about Mom.'

'How can I not? She wants me gone.'

'So? This won't be the first time Mom is disappointed.' He smiled. 'C'mon. Stop worrying. She'll come around eventually. How could she not?' He picked up Eric. 'She loves Eric and she will accept you as his mother. Give her some time.' He leaned and kissed her on the mouth. 'For me? Let it go for now, for me?'

Amber wrapped her arm around his waist as she deepened the kiss. She pulled away. 'That's not playing fair, Rick.'

'Who said anything about fair?' He grinned as he handed the baby to Amber. 'Why don't you get him settled in and then we'll...pick up where we left off.' He let his eyes travel down her tiny frame.

Amber smiled wickedly. 'You got it, baby.'

Ridge grinned up at his wife who had chosen an outfit off the rack in his office. She was dressed, her hair and make up once more immaculate.

Taylor looked down at her husband. 'What are you looking at?'

'Only the most beautiful woman on earth.' He stood and slipped his pants back on, buckling them while leaning in for a kiss from his wife.

Taylor put her arms around him, deepening the kiss. 'I hate to leave you this way.' She teased, her gaze drifting below his waist.

'Mmmhmmm.' Ridge gave her a knowing look. 'My wife is changing before my eyes.' He eyes sparkled at her.

'What are you talking about?'

'Sexy lingerie for some hot office sex.' He said hotly in her ear. 'Who knows where this could lead?'

Taylor laughed at Ridge's one track mind. 'You are incorrigible.' She smirked. 'As to where it will'll have to come home to find out, my workaholic husband.' She sauntered out the door.

Ridge smiled behind her, hearing the door close. He walked across to the couch where his shirt had been flung earlier and heard the door open. Grinning, her turned, 'Back for more already, Doc?' He stopped, staring at the redhead in his office. 'Morgan.' He shrugged the maroon shirt onto his shoulders.

Morgan gazed apprasingly at his torso. 'Don't get dressed on my account.'

Ridge sighed. 'It's late. Is there something I can do for you, Morgan?'

'I had my first ultrasound today.' Morgan smiled.

'Stop it, Morgan. Just stop this right now.' Ridge snapped.

He was pulling Brooke swiftly down the hall. Brooke clenched his hand in hers tightly, afraid if she let go, she'd lose her nerve. One night stands were something she'd never indulged in. It was scary, in fact, but somehow the thought of her lonely hotel bed was spurred her on. Her body ached for a man's touch. This man. He had ignited her like a match to kerosene. It had been too long, she thought, rationalizing. She wanted him. And she didn't care about anything else at the moment. He stopped walking abruptly at the foot of a staircase. 'You're sure, Brooke?' He looked down at her piercingly, the want in his eyes apparent, causing her loins to tighten once more. His voice was soft. 'Don't take this any further if you are going to regret it. There are no strings here. Just let me know now what you want.'

Brooke stared up into his eyes, the familiar ache tormenting her. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him down into an open mouthed, searingly passionate kiss. As their tongues mated, he pulled her against him, his erection pressing urgently against her stomach. He backed her against the wall, his hands roaming underneath the halter top. He moaned and ground his hips suggestively against hers, as his hands found her hard nipples beneath the cotton fabric.

'Oh, yes.' she sighed into his mouth, her hands in his hair.

He caressed her lips and teeth with his tongue as his mouth left hers to explore her neck, and his hands wandered down to grasp her butt. 'Damn, you feel good, Brooke.'

As he gripped her bottom, he lifted and her legs wrapped around his waist, clenching tightly, the need nearly tearing her apart. 'Please...' her voice was soft and sultry.

'Yes, baby, anything you want.' he murmured seductively against her ear.

'I want you, now.' was her hoarse response.

'Oh, yes, all night long.' He turned with her carrying her up the stairs as their mouths were once more glued together, like neither could never get enough.

Amber was carefully setting the table for two. Rick shouldn't be much longer, she thought, humming a popular tune to herself. The knock at the door startled her. She was even more surprised when she opened the door and found CJ there. 'CJ?' She asked. 'What are you doing here?'

He leaned down and kissed her briefly. 'Glad to see you, too, Amber.' he laughed. 'Are you going to invite me in?'

Having been too stunned by the kiss to either respond or push him away, Amber blinked at him. 'Oh, of course.' She followed him into the sitting room. 'What brings you by this late?'

CJ smiled softly. 'I wanted to see Eric. I missed my son. Where is he?'

Rick walked in overhearing the last part of the conversation. 'MY son is sleeping. I just put him down.'

'Your son? Since when?' CJ bristled.

'Since birth.' Rick spat back.

Amber stood between the two former friends. 'Stop it.' She hissed. 'You're both going to wake him up.' She turned to CJ. 'Maybe you should come back another time.'

CJ looked incredulously at Amber and then he looked around the guesthouse. He took in the romantic, candlelit table for two. His dark eyes were cold as he looked at Amber and Rick. 'Yes, obviously, I'm interruputing.'

'CJ, I can explain.'

'Oh, there's no need, Amber, my love.' The last two words twisted bitterly with sarcasm. 'I see everything clearly. My now ex-friend and ex-fiancee...' he hands gestured about the room. 'Well, it's all obvious. No explanations needed!'

'I was going to tell you.' Amber pleaded.

'Was that before or after to spread your legs for my supposed best friend?' CJ shot back nastily.

'Watch you mouth, Garrison.' Rick stepped up to face CJ.

'Or you'll what?' CJ sized Rick up.

Rick took a step forward, but Amber grabbed his arm. 'Stop, Rick. That won't help.'

Rick looked down at Amber. 'I won't have anyone talking about you that way.'

'How sweet,' CJ said snidely. 'Talking about her what way, Rick? Do tell.' CJ pretended to think intensely. 'Oh, yes, that's right. No telling the truth about Amber. It's such a hard concept for her to grasp.' His eyes glittered maliciously at Rick. 'Isn't that right, Rick? Or wasn't that your dead baby she buried out in Death Valley?'

'You little bastard!' Rick lunged at CJ landing a punch across his face.

CJ stumbled, but managed to keep his feet. 'That was a mistake.' CJ said quietly. 'But Eric is here and this is neither the time or the place.' He faced Amber. 'I should have listened to my mother, but I believed your lies.'

'No, CJ, I...' Amber began.

'Just shut up, Amber! I don't want to hear it. I know what happened. The proof is here in this room. I had Eric, so you shacked up with me. Now, a judge has given the Forrester's Eric, temporarily, and so you're 'in love' with Rick again.' CJ shook his head. 'I love Eric and I'm going to get him back. I promised Becky I would take care of him and I'm going to make sure that happens.' CJ ignored Rick's rolling eyes. ' But you, I'm done with you Ambrosia Moore.' He looked back at Rick. 'You will be hearing from me. Your family will NOT cut me off from Eric.' He walked away without a backward glance.

'I don't know what you mean.' Morgan blinked at Ridge innocently.

Ridge just shook his head. 'I don't have time for your games.'

'I'm not playing games.' Morgan said sincerely. 'I just thought you might be gratified to know that our child is growing and is healthy.' Morgan smiled.

'OUR child?' Ridge's eyes grew round. 'Don't even say that, Morgan. YOUR child is fine? Great, I'm happy for you. But you will not involve me in this. Not in any way.' Ridge's anger was surfacing. 'You tricked me into this and I will not have any part of it!'

Morgan laughed. 'I tricked you? Well, you certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself at the time.' she smirked.

'Damn you, Morgan!'

'The truth hurt, Ridge?' Morgan took a step towards him and trailed a finger down his exposed chest.

Ridge grabbed her hand, harshly stilling the movement and flung it away from him as though her touch sickened him. 'No, Morgan, it's the lies. Your lies.'

Morgan laughed and placed a hand over her barely portruding belly. 'Well, we can stop the lies now. Let's go tell Taylor everything. I've got no problem with that.'

'No, no problem at all. Wrecking my marriage, destroying my wife.' Ridge spat, angrily and grabbed her by the shoulders. 'Don't you even think about it! You will not say one word to my wife about this. This is your baby and don't you dare breathe a word otherwise. Not to Taylor, not to anyone!'

'Get your hands off me!' Morgan wrenched out of his grasp. 'Dammit, Ridge. I don't want to hurt Taylor. I don't want your marriage to break up. That was never my intent.' She insisted.

'Right. Just get out of my office and stay out of my way.'

'Fine, Ridge.' Morgan said and left closing the door softly behind her.

'Shit!' Ridge muttered. What could he do about this? He'd****ed up royally and Taylor would never understand, much less forgive this. And who could blame her, he certainly wouldn't be understanding if Taylor had cheated on him. He pushed a hand through his hair roughly. The idea of Taylor with another man enraged him. He pushed the thoughts aside. No, no, she could never find out. He had way too much to lose to let one night of stupidity throw it all away. He finished dressing and went home to his wife. He planned to show her just how much he loved her.

Brooke clung breathlessly to the stranger's neck as he carried her up the stairs, his mouth devouring her neck, her legs clenching tightly around his waist. A breathless exhilaration coupled with her raging desire as he kicked the door in and then shut as he slid her erotically down him, never breaking contact with her body. His hands slid up her back to cup her head as he claimed her mouth, his tongue delving inside and seducing her mouth.

Brooke moaned, her hands pulling his shirt from the waistband of his pants frantically. Every kiss and touch between them fueled the fire between her legs. She couldn't remember feeling desire this powerful before. Ever. The shirt tugged free and her hands fumbled with the buttons, but she couldn't get them undone. Frustration and desire, mounting, she tore the shirt apart, buttons flying and found the warm skin beneath as she ran her hands up his chest, playing with his nipples until they hardened like hers.

He pressed her against the wall, tearing his mouth from hers, looked down into her face breathing like he'd run five miles. 'God, you're gorgeous.' His hands ran down her neck over her shoulders, until he found the tie in back of the halter top. He untied it deftly, tugging lightly until it fell away exposing her breasts to his eyes. He massaged each globe, paying delicate attention to the nipples, until she was squirming and grinding against him. Her short quick breaths were replaced with moans of pleasure as he lowered his mouth against each breast in turn suckling and licking. 'Oh, God, yes...' she whispered, as he lowered himself to his knees, his mouth trailing a wet path down her torso, his tongue delving into her navel. His hands undid her jeans, tugging them to the floor, her thong panties behind them. He shrugged out of his shirt and his mouth found the vee between her legs, kissing her thighs, his fingers probing inside. He could feel her walls tighten around his fingers. He pulled them out slowly and thrust them back in and she screamed her pleasure. 'You are so wet and tight.' He pulled his fingers free, sucking the essence off as he stood before her. She reached for his buckle and this time, had no trouble freeing him. His erection sprang free and he stepped free, completely naked. Brooke looked him over, from feet to head, and noticed a tatoo encircling one arm. Somehow making him more desirable and erotic than before.

He could see the fire in her eyes and pulled her into his embrace, at last, skin on skin, no barriers. Brooke pulled his head down to hers, her tongue thrusting inside to play with his. He groaned, grabbing her butt, pulling her hard against him, his mouth moving to caress her jawline and sucking her earlobe. Brooke arched her neck, giving him greater access, her body on autopilot, existing only on the feelings in the moment. 'Please,' she begged.

'Oh, baby I'm going to give you everything you want.' He murmured into her ear. 'Come with me.' He started kissing her and walking her to the bedroom.

'No.' she cried, her nails raking his back. 'Now! I want all of you inside me, now!' she said fiercely, kissing his neck and shoulders, anywhere she could reach, pulling his erection against her mound.

Her body molded to his asking for everything he wanted to give. All rational thought left him as he pulled her body to the floor with him and entered her swiftly, bringing them both to the peak that had been building all night, shattering them both swiftly.

'Oh, God!' Amber wailed, burying her face in her hands, flopping heavily on the couch.

'Amber.' Rick went to soothe her. 'It's going to be okay.' He said softly, pulling her into his arms.

Amber looked up at him. 'How can you say that?'

'Because we are together. Our family is back together where it belongs.'

'But CJ. I hurt him. I didn't mean to.' Amber said, tears running down her cheeks.

'I know that, and, in time, CJ will too.' Rick insisted.

'Are you kidding? He's furious.'

Rick smiled. 'Of course, he is. I was too, remember?'

Amber nodded. 'I thought you'd never speak to me again. I thought you hated me.'

'I thought I did, too.' Rick shook his head. 'But I just couldn't.' He wiped her tears away with his thumbs. 'I still love you, Amber. I couldn't stop. I really tried, but I couldn't.'

Amber smiled through her tears. 'I love you, too, Rick. Always.'

Rick pulled her to him, kissing her softly. Amber wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her into his lap, the kiss deepening, their tongues mating gently, the desire building with each slow and easy touch.

'I want you, Amber.' he whispered into her mouth. 'I love you and I want you.'

Amber stared into his eyes. 'Take me, then. I'm all yours.'

Rick's mouth found hers once more and he reclined full length on the couch, taking Amber with him.

Brooke collasped sated on top the man, whose name she didn't know. She sighed.

He reached up to touch her face. 'You okay?'

She looked down into his incredibly blue eyes and then away. 'Yeah. I just need to get going.'

'You in a hurry?'

She climbed off of him and wrapped a sheet around her. Her mind was starting to ask disturbing questions now that her body was sated. She pushed them to the side. She would deal with it later. First, she needed to get home. 'Can I use your bathroom?'

He nodded. 'Be my guest.' He watched her leave. She looked like a woman who regretted her actions. He sighed bracing himself for the recriminations he was sure were coming.

Brooke went into the bathroom and was pleasantly surprised to find the old world style clawfooted tub with brass fixtures. She ran a hot bath and submerged her body into its heat. She sighed as the warmth suffused her muscles and she leaned back and closed her eyes. Her eyes flew open as soon as they closed. Upon closing, scenes of the night she had spent flashed in her head. Dancing. Flirting. Kissing, oh, the kissing, her stomach gave a queer lurch at the memory. She saw clearly him carrying her upstairs to his apartment. 'Oh, God.' she groaned. What had she done? Tears formed in her eyes. She really was the slut Stephanie had always accused her of being. She didn't even know the man's name. She was sobbing softly, unable to push the images of herself and the stranger from her mind.

Ridge walked in the door of his house, carrying a bottle of champagne with him. 'Doc!' he called out.

Taylor was coming down the stairs. 'Hey, honey.'

'Sorry, I am so late.'

'Yes, well, I will think of a way for you to make it up to me.' she sauntered towards him and draped her arms across his shoulders. 'A very pleasant way.' She turned her mouth up for his kiss.

'It's so good to be home.' he said softly, as his tongue delved into her mouth, pulling her closer.

Taylor broke the kiss and indicated the bottle. 'And what do we have here?'

'We are celebrating tonight.' he declared, taking her hand and pulling her into the main sitting room, where he went to the bar and poured to flutes full of the bubbling liquid.

Taylor laughed. 'Celebrating what?'

'Us, Doc. Our love. Our family.' Ridge grinned. 'We have so much to celebrate.'

Taylor smiled and she lifted her glass with his. 'So true.' Their glasses clinked and they came together for another kiss.

Ridge pulled back to take a breath and took both glasses and set them down, then caressed her face with the backs of his hands. 'Oh, Doc, you are so beautiful. I love you.'

'I love you, too, Ridge.' Taylor put her hands on his.

Ridge pulled her closer whispering, 'It's awful late. Don't you think we should be in bed?'

Taylor giggled. 'You are right. We should be getting to bed, right now.'

Ridge followed her upstairs, smiling. He truly had everything. And no red headed nightmare from his past was going to destroy it.

He looked at the clock for perhaps the hundredth time. She had been in there over an hour. He had expected her to come out long ago. He rose, making his way to the bathroom. 'Brooke?' He knocked. 'Brooke, are you okay?' He could hear muffled sounds. But there was no answer. 'Brooke, I'm coming in there.'

He opened the door, shocked by what he saw. She was huddled up in the bathtub, crying uncontrollably, her body heaving. 'My, God, Brooke.'

He walked to the edge of the tub and touched her shoulder. It was ice cold.

She raised her head at his touch. Her eyes were swollen and red-rimmed.

'Jesus, we have to get you out of here.' He put his hands in the now cold water, flinching slightly.

She stared, dumbly, as she watched him lean over to lift her from the tub. Her wet body drenched them both. Her sobs had stilled, though tears still welled in her eyes, and her body was shivering from cold. He carried Brooke swiftly to the next room and deposited her on the bed, wrapping a blanket around her shivering form. He sat next to her. 'What were you doing in there? You're freezing to death.'

Brooke sniffed. 'You this nice to all the bimbos you bed?'

He arched a brow. 'Nice? That's a new one.' He stifled a smirk and decided to let the bimbo remark slide. He wiped her tears away. 'You want to tell me why you were sitting in ice cold water crying your pretty eyes out?'

Brooke glanced up at him. He had a dark look to him. Like he was possibly dangerous, but he seemed harmless enough at the moment. She longed for someone to talk to. She hadn't had anyone, not really, since breaking things off with Thorne. She sighed. It's not like she'd ever see him again, why not unload on him? He asked, after all...she rationalized. 'It's nothing really. I just came to the realization that my worst enemy for the last twenty years is right about me.'

He sat back against the head board of his bed. 'That so?' He looked at her piercingly. 'And you came to this conclusion in my bathtub? Why's that?'

'You're a man, you won't understand. This was a mistake.' She started to rise from the bed. 'In fact, this whole night...' She didn't get to finish the sentence because his hand clamped down on her arm.

'Not so fast, Ms. Logan.' He voice was soft and dangerous. 'Sit down.'

Brooke's eyes widened and electricity shot through her body at his touch. 'Let go of me.'

'Do I make you nervous?' He leaned close, his hand still on her arm, but not holding her anymore.

'C-certainly not.' She said huffily. 'It is just time for me to go.'

'Go where?' he taunted. 'Back to your empty hotel bed? Isn't that why you climbed all over me in the hall? You didn't want to go back to an empty bed?'

'You bastard.' she raised a hand to slap him, but he stopped her.

'I don't think so.' He grasped her hand firmly.

She tried to wrench free. 'Let go!' she fumed.

'You were right.' He leaned over and reclined her body on the bed. His voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. 'I am a bastard.' His tongue snaked out to caress her earlobe. At her sharp intake of breath, he growled, 'Are you sure you want to leave my bed just yet?' He lowered his mouth to hers.

Brooke reached her hands up to to push him away, but instead they began to caress his chest as she arched her back to bring her skin into contact with his. The desire ignited like a flame and spread like wildfire. Hands and mouths were everywhere, breath short, as he finally buried himself completely in her, thrusting hard, their mouths glued together, stifling their screams.

Early dawn...

Brooke stirred against the pleasant warmth at her back. 'Mmmmm...' she said softly, turning and found a man, naked, sleeping beside her. She clapped a hand over her mouth to cover the gasp. God, what had she done? She was in bed with a man, didn't know his name. Shame washed over her, as she gazed at him. She hadn't just slept with him once, drunk, but twice in the same night. And she didn't have drunkenness as her excuse that last time. She had caved to the demands of her body, just as Stephanie had always accused her of. She inched her way slowly out of the bed, going to find her clothes. She had to get out of here. She didn't know his name and didn't want to know. She just wanted to forget this ever happened.