Forbidden Love: A Deacon and Brooke Dedication
Chapter Twelve


Breacon Book Store

"Deacon, who were you talking to?" Brooke asked as she sleepily walked into the living room of the villa. She had slipped on a pair of light pink shorts and a white halter-top. She wore it without a bra, which didnt escape Deacon for a minute. His eyes feasted on her and she almost swooned with desire. But she kept her composure. This conversation was important to her and she wouldnt be swayed.
"Im sorry, I didnt mean to wake you." He said with a smile. He walked over to her and kissed her. "After all you just gave me the most wonderful time of my life." He held her chin up and kissed her again letting his hand travel up and down her back, giving her shivers of desire.
"I wasnt sleeping that soundly. I heard you talking. Deacon you havent told someone about us have you? Who was on the phone?" She asked again.
He looked at the phone and back to his wife. She frowned at the guilty expression on his face.
"You did." She said.
"Guilty." He told her.
"Oh Deacon how could you do that? You know how important this is to me. Who did you tell? Please dont tell me it was Amber."
"No, it wasnt Amber." He said pulling her closer. His mouth caressed her neck as his hands curved her waist and worked their way to her breasts.
"Romancing me isnt going to work if you dont tell me the truth." She said pulling herself from his grip.
"Actually it was someone really special. Someone I really want you to meet." He said.
"Family? Was it family? Because that is just about the only excuse Ill buy for you telling our secret." She asked. "Deacon I have no idea about where you come from, who your parents are, if you have brothers or sisters. I know basically nothing about you." She told him. She walked to the couch and sat down, pulling her robe closed. Deacon sighed and sat next to her. "Our marriage doesnt have a chance in hell if youre going to be keeping secrets from me and sneaking from our bed to make phone calls is not a good start."
"Im not keeping secrets. I was going to tell you about the call baby and as for family, Brooke I just dont have family. I mean I have a mother for what shes worth. Shes a no good whore and I dont even know who my father is, she doesnt even know I bet. She kept me as long as she had to, married some prick who decided his mission in life was to play the wicked step-father. As for brothers and sisters, thank God my mother never was able to get through any other pregnancies so Im it."
"I dont mean to drill you for information. I just was thinking that Im married to a man that I know nothing about. So was it your mother you were talking to?"
"No. I dont talk to her Brooke. We were never close and we never will be. Ive seen her from time to time but I dont want her in my life, its better if you never meet anyone in my family."
"Youre being secretive." She said with a pout. "And you still havent told me who you were speaking to. I heard you say I love you. Being that I am your wife I think I am the only one you should be saying that to, well except for little Eric."
"Youre right." He smiled and took her hands in his. "I have a habit of acting that way with women and Ill try to stop. I dont think before I speak and I guess I have a habit of always coming on. But Brooke, it was a very special lady that I met after I left Vegas. Someone who meant more to me than I even realized at the time."
"And you love her?" Brooke asked as she raised her eyebrows.
"I love her for what she taught me. At the time it didnt get through to me but after talking to Carlos her words came back too. Her name is Angie. She gave me a job and a place to stay and she gave me the second best piece of advice that I ever got in my life."
"Second best? What did she tell you? What does it have to do with me and who gave you the first best?" She asked him impatiently.
"Carlos gave me the best advice when he told me that I had to go to you. I can never repay him for that."
"Im not falling for it Deacon, you cant smooth talk me like you can my daughter. I wasnt born yesterday. While I can appreciate what Carlos did, he did it for us, not just you. I dont know this woman and I want to know what she did that was so important that you felt you could trust her with a secret that I wanted to be kept from everyone. Who is she and what did she say that made you leave my bed to call her?" She insisted.
"When I got to Phoenix I was a mess Brooke. I had just left Vegas, I couldnt stay with the memories, and everywhere I went I saw your face and I had to forget you. Angie saw right through me, through the rough exterior I was trying to show the world. She knew I was hurting and lonely. She knew that there was someone I was trying my damnedest to forget."
"I suppose you want me to think this is about me." She said.
"Of course it was you Brooke. Damn it I loved you the first time I kissed you. But I was stubborn, I was determined to keep running, running as far from you as possible, but she was smart, like I said, she could see right through me. She told me about her past, she told me about the man that she loved more than life and she told me her biggest regret was that she didnt fight for that love. She never married him, she let him walk out of her life and no one ever took his place. She got married, made a life but something was always missing. She has spent her whole life wondering what could have been and then she told me that I should never give up on love, never let my dreams die and never settle for less. I wanted to tell her that she was right and that I had made the big score, I got the girl." He grinned.
"You struck gold? You told her you struck gold. That doesnt sound like love to me, that sounds like a man who had just improved his station in life by marrying a wealthy woman." Brooke questioned. "Am I some kind of game to you Deacon? Was I a challenge that you had to win? Greener pastures? Sure Deacon, Bridget was fine but you got the mother, the one with the money and the power. Have I been made a fool of? I really thought you loved me, I thought you came after me because you couldnt live without me. I thought you were as miserable as I was but maybe I was wrong. You say its all about love but that didnt sound very loving to me."
"Im crude Brooke, Im crude and a flirt and sometimes a real jerk, I never claimed differently. But I swear Im trying. And I love you and I want to be a man that youll be proud of if you just give me a chance. We come from different worlds."
"Thats not what you always said. You convinced me that we knew each other better than anyone else ever knew us. Was I wrong to believe that?"

Betsy looked over at her friend again and then walked over to Jimmy. "I dont know what to do." She told him.
"We can start with a couple of lattes." He said with a laugh.
"Bridget is with another guy." She said, ignoring his attempt at humor.
"Really?" He said, following her eyes. "Stepping out on old Vince huh? How do you like that?"
"I dont." She answered.
"Hey its her life and we really dont know Vincent that well. Maybe shes tired of him."
"That is so not Bridget." Betsy protested. "She loves him. She told me so."
"Well, thats not what shes telling that guy now is it?" Jimmy questioned her.
"I should talk to her." Betsy said. She looked over at her again, ready to start moving towards her.
"Dont Bets." Jimmy warned. "Its her business. If she wants to tell you she will. Dont get in the middle of this crap."
"Shes my best friend." Betsy said, but she was wavering. She knew Jimmy was right.

"Stephanie you cant go over there!" Amber said as the older woman stood up. "Sit down before he sees you."
"Why should I care if he sees me. He has no business with that vile man and even less with that slut!"
"Who is she?" Amber asked.
"A whore from Spectra. Thorne should know better! We finally ridded this family from Brooke Logan and now hes kissing that whore!"
"Please sit." Amber begged. "Youre making a scene."
"Yes. Yes." She said as she calmed down. She smoothed out her pants legs and sat. "Ill deal with him later, no need to have that pompous man know hes gotten to me."
"But why do you hate that woman? Just because she works at Spectra?" Amber asked her.
"Youre very nosy Amber, I suggest you stay out of things that dont concern you." Stephanie told her effectively dismissing they younger woman. Amber frowned and pouted but remained silent. She considered Stephanie Forrester a powerful ally, one she intended to keep and never get on her bad side. She picked up her menu and pretended to be engrossed in it. Finally she looked up at the woman and spoke again.
"Would you rather we went somewhere else Stephanie?"
"Id rather you get completely to your point Amber. There has to be more than you just thinking that Brooke somehow is blackmailing Deacon."
Amber thought about it and decided that it was Stephanie she had to trust. She took a deep breath. "Yes, I think its more than blackmail. I think shes sleeping with him."
Stephanies first reaction was shock and then glee. She laughed, laughed so hard that Amber didnt know if she was laughing at her or at the situation. A part of her didnt really want to know.

"Were being watched." Andy said to Bridget. She looked where he was looking and her face flushed. "I guess that means you know them." He added.
"Shes my roommate. Oh Andy I dont know why I even let that happen. I have a boyfriend." She said.
"Well maybe hes not all that Bridget." He suggested.
"No, he is, he really is. Im just going through something. Andy Im sorry but I shouldnt be here with you and I shouldnt have kissed you. Please forgive me, I wasnt trying to lead you on, youre really nice but I just cant do this." She nervously gathered her books and got up.
"Bridget dont go." He begged her.
"I have to, I really do." She told him.
"Ill call you." He said.
"No, please dont Andy. Please dont." She gave him once last look and quickly ran out of the coffeehouse. Betsy, who had been watching the whole confrontation looked around for Jimmy, didnt see him so she ran out following her friend.
"Bridget wait!" She called out. "Come on Bridge, we have to talk sooner or later!"
Bridget finally stopped running. She stood and waited for Betsy to catch up to her. "Dont even ask Betsy, it was just a little innocent flirting that went too far." She said as an excuse.
"Im not condemning you Bridget. You have every right to see as many guys as you want to." She told her.
"No I dont Bets, I have a commitment with Vincent and there I was kissing another man. You must think Im nothing but a slut."
"No." Betsy said emphatically. "Bridget never. Id never think that. Come on, with all youve been through its amazing youre even sane. So what if you kissed another guy. Did you ever think that maybe you and Vincent are moving way too fast?" She asked her. "I like him Bridget and hes good to you but you just ended a marriage. And you were so in love with Deacon."
"Its all his fault." Bridget said. She stomped her foot in a childish gesture and then laughed at herself. "But it really is Betsy. If he had never come back I wouldnt have gotten so weirded out."
"Do you still love him Bridge?" Betsy asked her.
"No. I really dont. But that doesnt mean he cant get to me. You know he was nice to me. I dont want him to be nice to me. I want to hate him."
"But you dont." Betsy said in a solemn tone.
"I should." Bridget said softly. "And part of me does. But part of me knows he was right. We never really had a real marriage. He and my mother were both right all along. I just wish he would leave now. I dont want to have to be constantly reminded of him." Bridget told her. She walked over to a bench, put her books down and sat. Betsy followed her and sat next to her.
"Is he staying in town?" She asked.
"I dont know. I didnt really talk to him long. I just wanted to get away from him. Maybe Amber knows. He has to have gone to see little Eric."
"Yeah, true." Betsy said. "I guess youll always be tied to him that way."
"As long as I never have to set eyes on him again Ill be okay." Bridget said. "Hed just better stay away from us."

"Of course you werent wrong to believe that Brooke." Deacon told his wife. "We do know each other, but we did come from different worlds too baby. You came from a family that loved you. I came from a woman who couldnt wait to get me out from under her feet. You had brothers and sisters and family that couldnt stand you not being around them. Our worlds may have been different but here." He gestured to his chest. "Here in my heart Brooke, here you and I know each other better than weve ever known anyone."
"Pretty words." She said softly.
"Its more than pretty words, its the truth." He told her. "Please dont make more of this than there was. All I was doing was a little bragging. I never wanted to hurt you and I swear I do want you to meet Angie. Youll like her Brooke, you really will. Shes a classy lady, just like you. And she saw my heart just like you did too."
Brooke looked up into his eyes. She saw the sincerity and she saw the love. Her frown turned into a smile and a tear escaped from her eye. "I guess Im so used to being used Deacon. Im so used to being second choice, being tossed aside when the more appropriate woman came around."
"Baby, any man crazy enough to toss you aside needs to have his head examined. Now if you wanted to toss me aside, well, I could understand that. But I pray you dont. I love you like I never loved anyone or anything before and I swear we are going to have a hell of a life together. Dont bail on us Brooke, please dont." He begged her.
"I wouldnt have married you if I intended to bail on you." She smiled. "I just got so confused. Deacon please, promise me youll be honest with me, never lie, never keep secrets. If you can do that then I know we can make it."
"No secrets baby, none at all." He said as he caressed her face with his hand. "Love me?" he asked.
"Yeah." She said with a grin. She leaned into his embrace and kissed him. "I have an idea." She said.
"I think I know what it is." He laughed.
"Ummm, that too. But I, I mean we, have this butler service. Why dont we call and have them come and pack for us and we can go out to the hot tub?"
"During the day?" He asked.
"Its private Deacon, no one can see in and we just tell the butler to stay inside."
"I like the way you think Mrs. Sharpe." He laughed.
Brooke reached for the phone and looked at the directory. She was having a hard time concentrating because Deacon kept hugging her and tickling her and kissing her neck. "Stop." She giggled. "Or well never get this packing taken care of."
"Oh we cant have that." He said as he started to pull her top off. She struggled but he was successful in getting the tie undone and the top fell to the marble floor.
"Deacon I mean it." She laughed. "The sooner they come the sooner we can get out there."
"Come huh? I think youre going to be the one coming." He chuckled as he slid his hand inside her shorts. Brooke moaned and leaned against him, enjoying his touch, wanting more.
"Deacon." She moaned. She sighed as he unzipped her shorts and pushed them down.
"Nice thong baby." He said. "But its really in my way." He gave a quick tug and down they came. Brooke gasped and then laughed.
"I guess Im not making a phone call." She said as his hand explored her.
"Oh I think you better, but you better do it fast." He told her. "I want to see how you can talk business while I make you wetter and wetter." He stroked her back and forth as she spread her legs wider.
"Oh Deacon, just take me, please just take me now." She begged him. Her hands went to his pants and started working his fly and button. "Come on!" She said as she struggled with it.
"Let me." He said. She whimpered as his hands left her to open his own pants. "Patience baby, Ill be back." He smiled. She leaned in to him and kissed him as he worked his own pants and underwear down. She brought her hands to his shirt and tore at the buttons. He laughed and smiled at Brooke as the buttons went flying.
"Ill buy you a new one." She said.
"You dont have to buy me anything." He said as he pushed the shirt off. They stood naked in front of each other and Deacon handed her the phone. "Call them." He instructed her. But she couldnt seem to take her eyes off of his throbbing pen*s. "Baby the faster you call the faster I f*ck you."
She squinted at him and punched an extension. "This, this, um this is Brooke Logan in Villa sixteen. I would like someone to come and pack our clothes. Yes, thats right. Ill leave the door open but Id like them to stay inside, wed like privacy in the Jacuzzi." She smiled at Deacon, who took her hand and squeezed it. "Thank you." She said and put the phone back in its cradle. "Lets go." She said to her husband. He picked her up into his arms and carried her outside to the hot tub. "Turn it on." She told him before he put her into the water. He found the switch and it came to life with the jets and streams. Then he carried her into the tub. As soon as they hit the water their mouths sought each other out.
"I love you." She murmured against his probing mouth. "I love you so much Deacon."
"I love you too baby." He assured her. Then he pulled her onto his lap. She moaned as his hardness pressed against her lower belly.
"Now Deacon, please now." She begged. But his hands instead started to stroke and caress her breasts.
"God you are so beautiful, I cant believe youre mine Brooke."
"F*ck me now Deacon." She gasped, pushing herself against him. Her hand encircled him and traveled up and down his length.
"That feels good baby, really good." He moaned. Then he pulled her face to his and kissed her deeply. His tongue traced and wetted her lips and then explored the inner regions of her mouth. His hands left her breasts and once more found their way between her legs, stroking her there as his tongue continued to assault her mouth. Deciding to show her all he knew about pleasuring a woman he let his mouth leave hers and he intensified his playing and stroking. Brooke gasped and jumped when he inserted a finger inside her and started to stroke and explore her. The pleasures she was feeling made her let go of him and lean back, just relishing his touch and teasing. Deacon didnt mind, he just wanted to make her happy, to make her crazy. He used his other hand to gently caress her belly as his fingers probed inside her.
"Oh God, oh God." She moaned as he found her G-spot. She felt her world exploding around her and Deacon knew it. He smiled as her eyes became glassy and her breath quickened. He continued to let his fingers probe inside her, touching, stroking, exploring in ways Brooke had never even imagined. While his one and then two fingers made their administrations inside her, his thumb was making delicate, delightful circles over her swollen and very sensitive nub. His other hand continued to rub her belly above her pubic area. Brooke was experiencing one of the most intense orgasms that she had ever had. She made soft guttural moans as Deacon continued to stroke her inside and out. Finally with a loud gasp and shudder she climaxed. He pulled her into his arms and ran his hands up and down her back as he kissed her all over her face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks but she had a smile on her face. "How did you do that?" She asked him.
"Dont tell me no one has ever done that for you before." He said softly.
"Oh Deacon, never, never have I ever felt anything like that."
"Good, then well do it every single day." He smiled. "But now baby, now I need to be inside you cause if I dont I think Ill die."
Brooke positioned herself so he could easily slid inside her, which he did. Again the intensity started to build. He pulled her legs high around his waist. He began a slow and steady movement, which soon brought them both to a shared orgasm.

"Stephanie?" Amber said softly. "Are you alright?"
"Alright? Im better than alright Amber, I am overjoyed. That slut has finally done it, shes finally crossed the line and Ive got her, I have got her. She thought she was so clever going from Forrester to Forrester. As disgusting as I found it my sons, my husband, they all defended her, but no one, no one will defend her now. I will finally have her out of my family, not just mine but her own. Rick and Bridget will never forgive her. Oh Amber" She hugged and planted a kiss on the younger womans lips. "This is perfect!"
All concerns about Thorne and Carlos were gone. Stephanie finally had what she wanted in her grasp, the end of Brooke Logan. "Now you have to start at the beginning and tell me everything you know Amber, everything. I am bringing her down forever." She said gleefully. "Brooke Logan will leave Los Angeles forever, forever."

"Thorne, your mother is here." Carlos told the younger Forrester son.
"My mother?" He asked. "Where?"
"Over there." Carlos said, gesturing with his eyes. Thorne and Sofia both looked over to her table.
"Isnt that your brothers wife with her?" Sofia asked.
"Amber." Thorne said. "Yeah. She and Mother are pretty close. But she doesnt seem too interested in us."
"Your mother doesnt like me." Carlos said with a smile. "Perhaps it would be better for you if I left. We can continue our conversation at the office."
"Weve barely started Carlos." Thorne protested.
"Ah true, but I didnt expect your lovely lady to be here either. It is much more pleasurable spending time with her no?" He said with a wink to Sofia.
"Yes." Thorne agreed with a laugh. "But you did seem to have something important to talk about."
"I did and we will. You are one person that I can trust Thorne. We will talk soon." He stood up and took Sofias hand and kissed it. "It has been a pleasure, I hope we meet again soon."
"So do I." She smiled.
With that Carlos walked out leaving Thorne and Sofia.

"I dont care who said what to you!" Ridge shouted at the cutters. "My name is Ridge FORRESTER do you have that? And this is FORRESTER Creations, not The House of Caicedo! Do you hear me? When I tell you that I want this cut and into production it happens!"
"Mr. Forrester please." The supervisor spoke up. "Ms. Logan left us with instructions that all decisions were to come from Mr. Caicedo."
"I dont give a f*ck what Ms. Logan told you! I am the head designer here and I want you to get to work on this dress NOW!" He flung the design down on the table. "Is that clear? Because if its not Im sure that there is a place for you all on the unemployment line."
He then stormed out and up to his office. Ignoring Megans questioning glances he slammed the door shut.

"You really shouldnt have skipped your last class for me Betsy." Bridget told her friend for the third time as they went into the beach house. "Not only that but you left Jimmy all alone."
"Jimmy deserved to be left alone." Betsy said angrily.
"Were you fighting about me?" Bridget asked her.
"Not really, but he needs to grow up. Typical spoiled rich boy." Betsy laughed.
"Spoiled rich boy that youre in love with." Bridget giggled.
"Hmmm, maybe a little bit." Betsy admitted as she grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it. "Anyway, you need a friend and that is where I belong."
"Im better now, really." Bridget protested.
"You wanna tell me about that cute guy?" Betsy pried.
"His name is Andy Turner and hes in my English Lit class." Bridget said as she scooped coffee out of the canister and put it into the coffeemaker. "He was so sweet, he wanted to carry my books."
"Awwh, just like in grade school." Betsy laughed.
"Well, I thought it was cute." Bridget said. She poured water into the pot and poured it in. "Then he asked me if I would have coffee with him and I said yes."
"Nothing scandalous." Betsy said.
"No, not till I kissed him." Bridget said with a frown.
"Its not the end of the world Bridge."
"But it would be to Vincent. Hes so great Bets and what I did was wrong." She walked to the coffeepot and watched the dark liquid drip into the pot.
"Bridget you arent married to him, and maybe you really have moved too fast. He is a great guy but are you really ready to be living with someone yet? You and Deacon have barely been apart. I mean are you even over him yet?"
"I wish youd stop asking that. I am not in love with Deacon. I just want him gone. I want him out of my life forever." Bridget said as she angrily pulled a mug out of the cabinet.
"Okay so you dont love him, but Bridge, are you really sure you love Vincent?"

"Hi Taylor." Megan said as Ridges wife came into the building. "Hes in some kind of a mood." She told her as she looked at Ridges closed office door. "Do you want me to buzz him?"
"Is Carlos in?" Taylor asked.
"Uh, yeah, he just came back." Megan said with a look of confusion.
"Dont tell Ridge Im here yet." Taylor said as she headed to Brookes office. Megan watched her knock lightly and walk inside.
"Taylor." Carlos said with a smile as he stood up. "What a pleasant surprise. Do what do I owe the honor?"
"We need to talk." She said, closing the door behind her.

"Here you go baby." Deacon said as he wrapped Brooke up in a large terry towel. She hugged him and then sat down on a lounge chair. "Im gonna go in and see if theyre done." Deacon said.
"We forgot to leave out clothes to travel in." Brooke told him.
He looked at her and laughed. "Youre right, but to be honest putting on clothes was the last thing on my mind. Now taking them off, thats a different story."
"Yeah, I think I was more into that myself." She agreed.
"Honey if you want to forget clothes forever Im all for it." He teased. "But then again thats a pretty stupid suggestion for a CEO of a fashion house."
"Today Im just your wife and your lover and Deacon, clothes are pretty low on my priority list too, except we do need something to wear to dinner tonight and on the plane tomorrow."
"Hmmm, dinner naked in bed sounds good to me but I think theyd kick us off the plane that way." He grinned.
"We can put on what we had and go to the shop and buy something new." Brooke suggested. "Its easier than going through the suitcases, besides we do have to catch the plane tomorrow morning."
"Sounds like a plan." He said. He peered into the window. "It looks empty. And we were in there a long time." He said pointing to the Jacuzzi.
"I thought Id turn into a prune." Brooke agreed. "But I didnt really want to get out either."
"I gotta admit I had fun." He grinned. "Wait here." He gave her a quick kiss and went inside. He found their discarded clothes neatly piled and folded on the table and all the other things had been carefully packed. The suitcases were stacked by the door next to the sign out sheet. He went back to Brooke. "Its okay darlin, theyre gone."
Brooke got up and followed him inside. She walked up to him and put her arms around him. "You were wonderful." She said with a kiss.
"So were you baby." He brought his mouth back to hers and kissed her deep and hard. "Lets go to bed." He suggested when he finally pulled his mouth away from hers.
"Lets go get something to wear first and then come back and go to bed." She said instead.
"Awwhhh Brooke, its our honeymoon. I really want to make love to you again, we had fun out there but I got some serious loving to show you."
"I dont know how much more I can take." She laughed.
"I think youll survive." He told her. "Besides, you ripped my shirt and popped the button on my pants."
"Then Ill get dressed, Ill get us both clothes and you can wait here and relax, that is if your trust my tastes. Maybe order us some wine and snacks, I really did work up an appetite."
"Im not going to win this one am I?" He asked.
"Oh yes you are, as soon as I come back." She stroked his cheek with her hand. "I really do want to know what other surprises you have in store for me."
"Oh Im going to teach you things thatll blow your mind." He teased. "So hurry up and go so you can come back. And yes, I trust your tastes. But if you see something in black."
"You are sexy in black Deacon, but this is the Caribbean, Im going to find you something a little more festive, but I promise it will be low keyed."
"Baby, anything you find I just know will be perfect."
"Black." She laughed. "I really do have to work on your style Deacon Sharpe."
She kissed him again, grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom. Deacon watched her with a smile and then went to the bar and poured himself a double shot of scotch. "You really did strike gold Deac old man." He told his reflection.

"Sit down." Carlos said, gesturing to the chair in front of him. Taylor looked at it but started to pace back and forth in front of him. "Taylor come on, whats wrong?"
"Whats wrong? You damn well know whats wrong. Youre harassing my husband to the point that he cant think straight Carlos and you know as well as I do that it has nothing at all to do with his work."
"Oh? And what does it have to do with?" He asked.
"Me! You know its because of me." She shrieked.
"You?" He asked with raised eyebrows. "Now why would my reaction to your husbands work have anything to do with you?"
"Youre still angry at me."
"I was never angry with you Taylor. I accepted what we had for what it was, I was never looking for more. If you remember correctly that was you." He reminded her.
"I never wanted more Carlos, I didnt even want what happened. All I ever wanted was Ridge and that bitch had him."
"Brooke isnt interested in him anymore Taylor, try and relax."
"The hell she isnt! As soon as her ill-fated little romance falls apart on her I know shes going to set her sites on him again and she is not going to get him. But I know her game and I know youre playing it with her."
"Her game?" He asked.
"You can drop the innocent act Carlos, I know you better than that. Brooke asked you to make it rough on Ridge, and then when she comes back and starts giving him his way hell be all over himself praising her and what made it easy for you to play along is that youre still angry that I left you!" She told him in a shrill voice.
"Now why would Brooke do that and why would I either Taylor? Brooke is over him you know that."
"I know that Brooke had a bad experience in the love life, again." She sighed. "So she took off like a typical Brooke move and I know her ways. She didnt get what she wanted so now shes going to want my husband again. Carlos I tried to help her, I tried to talk to her, to be a friend to her, to advise her but I cant when she does this."
"You have no idea where she is or what she is doing Taylor. But believe me, it has nothing to do with you or with Ridge." He explained.
"Oh God, now she has you wound around her little finger too. What is it about her? What is it that makes grown men into total idiots around her? She is not a helpless victim! Shes a shark and she is after my husband!"
"So you still hate her. I would have thought that after Paris youd have more confidence in your marriage Taylor. You arent being logical at all Taylor."
"Everything logical goes out the window when Brooke is involved." She said. "And Carlos, you are totally complicating things with the way youre trying to intimidate Ridge!"
"Ridge needs someone to put him in his place Taylor. Whether he likes it or not Brooke left me in control, that means that I am seeing to her wishes and running the company the way that she wants it run. Eric is not having a problem, Thorne is not having a problem. Only your husband and his mother are having problems Taylor. I havent changed anything, I havent done anything that Brooke wouldnt do. All I am doing is trying to keep things running smoothly."
"I dont buy it Carlos. Would you be doing this if I hadnt been your lover back then?" She asked.
"Ridge wasnt in the equation then Taylor. When I met you you were a single woman. You were free and I was free. We had what we had and it ended. It had nothing to do with Ridge or with Brooke and I dont hold anything against you or anyone for that matter. I enjoyed our relationship Taylor but when it ended it was what we both wanted no?"
"Yes." She admitted. "I still loved Ridge and I wasnt ready to commit."
"And I still loved Elena. Taylor you are building this entire thing into something that isnt there. Does Ridge even know about us?" He asked.
"No!" She gasped. "No Carlos and you cant tell him!"
"You werent his wife then Taylor, he was living with Brooke, why would you not have been allowed your own happiness?"
"Hell think I was keeping it from him." She said.
"Taylor I have no intention of throwing this in his face. But people knew us, people knew we were together. You lived in my home for over a month." He looked at her and saw the pained expression on her face. "I will say nothing, but perhaps you should." He suggested. He turned when his private line rang. "Excuse me, I do have to take this."
"Of course." She said.
"Hello." Carlos said into the phone.
"Carlos." Brookes buoyant voice said. "How are you my friend?"
"Perhaps I should be asking you that. I hope that my actions were appreciated."
"Oh yes Carlos, I can never thank you enough."
"The smile in your voice is all the thanks that I need." He said. He looked at Taylor who was trying to pretend not to be listening but was very interested.
"Carlos I want to share something with you, but it has to stay between us." Brooke told him.
"You always have my complete confidence."
"Deacon, Deacon and I are married." She said.
"What?" He laughed. "I never expected my meddling to come to this. Are you happy? Si, I can tell that you are."
"Anyway, were going to be moving on tomorrow. To St. John. We really want to make this a honeymoon. It is going to be difficult when we return, in fact I just dont know what were going to do."
"I can well imagine that. But you can always count on me. Always."
"Anyway well be at Caneel Bay if there is an emergency, but Carlos only a real emergency." She told him.
"I wouldnt dream of it." He told her. "And dont worry, things will work out, they always do."
"Thanks Carlos. Ill call you when we move on." She said and hung up. Carlos replaced the phone in its cradle and turned back to Taylor. "So where were we?"
"Who was that?" She asked.
"It was personal Taylor."
"Was it Brooke? Where is she? Is she coming back? Is she alone Carlos?"
"Number one, no, it wasnt Brooke and even if it was it would not be any of your business Taylor. I have no idea if she is alone or where she is at the moment. She has been calling me. And as for her coming home, she will eventually but she knows things are under control here."
"Then who was it? It certainly sounded like you were talking to Brooke."
"It was my sister and that is all I plan to say on the subject. So if there is nothing else I can do for you." He said in dismissal.
"I thought our history warranted a little more respect, a little more compassion." She said.
"If I have been rude or inconsiderate please forgive me, I am busy Taylor and protecting the feelings or Ridge Forrester is not the top of my priorities." He said diplomatically. "Taylor, I dont want to cause you any problems but if Ridge has a complaint he should bring it to me, you shouldnt."
"Perhaps it should be. In case you havent noticed the name of this company is Forrester Creations, not Brooke Logan Enterprises! My husband is the person behind the success of this company, not Brooke Logan and he deserves your respect Carlos!" She told him emphatically.
"Dont expect our past to color my attitude here Taylor. What we shared was lovely and very special but I am Brookes employee and my allegiance belongs to her as far as business. However, in respect for you I will make it a point to try harder to understand your husbands point of view. That is as long as he shows me then proper respect. And I am not talking as an interim CEO but as a fellow human being."

"Is he in?" Ridge scowled as he pointed to Brookes office at Megan.
"He has someone in there, why dont I buzz you when hes free?" She suggested. She knew that whatever reason Taylor was there in this state of mind Ridge would have a fit.
"I think its best if I talk to him now." Ridge told her.
"Im sorry but he asked not to be disturbed. Ill be happy to buzz you as soon as hes free." She insisted. "Excuse me a second Ridge." She told him as she picked up her own personal line. "Megan Connelly."
"Hi Megan, its Brooke."
"Brooke!" Megan said gleefully. "Its so good to hear from you, how are you?"
"Im fine Megan, well have a lot to talk about when I get back. I just wanted to check in with you and see if you needed me for anything."
"Thats Logan?" Ridge said. He strode over to Megans desk and grabbed the phone from her. "Logan where the hell are you and when are you coming back?" He half shouted at her.
"Well, hello to you too Ridge." Brooke answered sweetly.
"You gotta get back here or else make some changes now Brooke. This guy is going to tear the company apart!"
"Carlos?" She asked. "I just spoke to him and he told me everything was just fine."
"Then hes a damn liar. Come on Logan, do something for us, put me and Dad back in charge." He pleaded.
"Ridge there was a reason that I did things the way I did and to me they are still valid."
"Youre not even listening to me." He complained. "The guy is trying to change my designs!"
"There must be a reason for that." She said defensively.

"Yeah, he hates me and he wants to prove his power. Logan why cant you just admit that this was a mistake and fix things. Call him up, fire him, send him back to International but just put me back in charge. I cant work with him Brooke, I cant!"
"Calm down Ridge, it cant be that bad. So he may have made some suggestions on your drawings, I do that too and you dont jump down my throat." She said, trying to placate him.
"Maybe I should have cause if I did youd never have done this to me!"
"Now that isnt fair Ridge. I want you to try and calm down and tell me what exactly happened." She said.
"When are you coming back?" He asked, ignoring her request.
"Im on my, um." She stopped mid-sentence. "Im on my vacation and I need it and I have no intention of cutting it short."
"And the hell with Forrester?" He asked angrily.
"I left Forrester in good hands." She told him. By now her patience was wearing thin. "I left you, Eric and Carlos, certainly you are all adults and can find a way to work together. Now I really dont have time for your nonsense."
"Make the change Brooke, make it or I will!" He shouted.
"Youll do no such thing Ridge." She shouted back. "Now put Megan back on, I called her, not you."
"Here!" Ridge said gruffly as he threw down the receiver. "If she wants to sink the company she isnt going to have me going down with it!" He turned and stormed into his office, slamming the door.
"Im sorry Brooke." Megan apologized. "He just grabbed the phone."
"Megan is it that bad?" Brooke asked. "Is Eric upset too? Has Carlos been giving everyone a problem?"
"Not at all." Megan assured her. "He and Eric get along famously. Its just Ridge and Stephanie that are unhappy. Carlos is being wonderful to everyone."
"Maybe Id better talk to Eric, can you transfer me to him?" Brooke asked her assistant.
"Sure Brooke, but before you go, are you having a good time? When are you coming back?"
"Im having a wonderful time Megan and as for coming back, sometimes I swear if it wasnt for my kids I never would." She sighed. "But Ill keep in touch."

Bridget looked up from her textbook as the phone rang. "Betsy?" She called out. "Oh yeah, she went to the store." She told herself. She reached for the phone. "Hello?"
"Hi Bridget." A mans voice said. She didnt recognize it.
"Yes. Who is this?" She asked.
"Its Andy Turner. Look, I know I wasnt supposed to call you but I was worried with the way you ran off. Are you okay?"
Bridget blushed and smiled. She knew that she shouldnt be happy about this but she was glad he had called. "Im okay." She told him.
"You know I never wanted to upset you. I dont know youre seeing someone or if its serious or anything and anyway if its not Id really like to see you again."
"Andy this isnt good, I cant. I really cant." She said, fighting against all her instincts telling her to go for it.
"Is there someone?" He asked.
"Yes, someone really special. But I really appreciate youre asking me Andy."
"It never hurts to try, but Bridget, dont avoid me okay? We can be friends, no harm in that."
"I guess not." She said as a smile crossed her face.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yeah, in class." She told him.
"Good. Then Ill see you then. Bye Bridget." He hung up and she held the phone to her chest.
"Ill see you." She told the dial tone.

"Im sorry." Taylor told Carlos. "I guess I went a little overboard and I really didnt mean to. I just hate seeing Ridge so upset."
"But why blame me or even Brooke for that matter Taylor, his unhappiness is his own doing. I have no argument with him. He is not my enemy. In fact I find him to be an extremely talented, but temperamental artist. So be assured I will show him the same respect that he shows me."
"Hmmm." She smiled. "Now that may not be too much."
"Perhaps you are talking to the wrong man?" He suggested.
"I may well be." She laughed. "You know Id forgotten how charming you could be."
"Again, I am not your enemy nor Ridges." He smiled. "I am your friend, I have always been your friend Taylor, more than a friend."
"Yes, you were my lover. But Carlos that was a long time ago and that is something Ridge can never know, not now. Hed never forgive me."
"You were a free woman Taylor, he had no claim on you then."
"But I never told him, and now its too late Carlos."
"As you wish, he will never hear it from me." He assured her.
"And Brooke, you cant tell her either." She added.
"My love life is not any of her business either Taylor, our secret is safe."

"Deacon." Brooke called out as she returned to the villa. "Im back."
"Hey." He said as he walked out of the bathroom. He was wrapped in a large towel. She put down three large shopping bags. "You buy out the whole store?" He asked.
"Not really. I just got you pants and a shirt and a dress for myself." She walked up to him, put her arms around him and kissed him deeply. "I missed you."
"I missed you too baby. I called for some food and wine. I also got some new toiletries." He said.
"Great, I didnt think about that." Brooke confessed.
"Im learning." He smiled. "What took you so long?"
"I called the office and Ridge picked up. Oh Deacon he is so angry. He was totally unreasonable, so then I talked to Eric to see if he was as well but he seemed okay. God, Ive made a mess of everything." She said sadly.
"Would you please forget about Forrester? This is our honeymoon, no work allowed."
"Forrester is more than just work Deacon, its my life, my family, everything."
"Not anymore." He said kissing her softly.
"No, not anymore." She sighed. "Not since I found you."
"You make a man feel good Brooke." He told her. He kissed her again, hoping to remove all thoughts of the office and Forrester and any problem. They would have enough to face them when they returned. "So what did you get me?" He asked with a smile.
"Well." She laughed. "You may not like it Deacon but for the islands its perfect and I know youll look wonderful and I really hope youll give it a try."
"Sounds like a hard sell. Is it that bad?" He laughed with her.
"Let me show you." She let go of him and opened the bags. "Here." She said as she pulled out a pair of white pants. "Nothing wild, but white is more fitting here, at least for the day. And this to go with it." She said as she gave him a white shirt and a light blue shirt. "You can choose."
"Were doing a total opposite I see." He teased her.
"You hate them." She said with a touch of disappointment.
"No baby, I dont and for you Id do anything." He held up the pants. "These are really nice. And so are the shirts. Thank you." He kissed her softly on the lips. "Now show me what you got for yourself."
"I got this." She said as she pulled out a colorful, island-patterned dress. "Its got a halter top and its cut way down low." She smiled.
"I like it. But then I like you in or out of anything."
"Its a departure from my regular style but being away, well, I thought it fit the mood."
"Model it for me?" He asked her.
"Okay." She smiled. She grabbed her bags and went into the bedroom.

Stephanie walked past Megan without saying a word. She had a determination in her stride that caused the younger woman some concern, that and the sly grin on her face. When she looked at the phone she saw that Stephanie was already on her private line. "What are you up to Stephanie?" Megan asked aloud. "I know its no good."

Stephanie tapped her nails on the desk as she waited for the party to pick up. She was about to hang up when the mans voice finally spoke.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Dont take that tone with me you worthless piece of."
"Hey! I dont have to take shit from anyone and that includes a rich old broad like you. I told you I was working on it didnt I?" He said cutting her off.
"So you did, but it appears that I am making more progress on my own." She said with annoyance.
"Youre not my only case." He said.
"Perhaps I should be. Ill see to it you are compensated for that to happen." She said.
"Fine, but it will take a couple of days to field out my other cases." He informed her.
"You have two days, two days or I hire someone else. Now I have a name for you, youll need to watch him too." She said quickly. "And dont tell me you dont have resources, hire them."
"Okay, whats the name and whats the connection?"
"The name is Deacon Sharpe. Id like to meet with you so I can tell you everything I know about him." She told him.
"I know who he is. Hes the son-in-law, or former one. Whats the connection?"
"Not now." She said. "The phone here might have ears. Meet me at Michelles at nine tonight. Ill have more information for the investigation. I expect you to have her location."
"And I expect you to have more money." He told her. "Lots more money."
"Youll be properly compensated. Just make sure that youre there on time." She told him and placed the phone down in its cradle. "Goodbye Brooke Logan, youre going down."

Bridget was sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee and an open textbook when Vincent came in. He put his own books down, walked up to her and kissed her. "How was your day?" He asked.
Bridget looked up at him and sighed.
"Not so great huh? I didnt think it would be after last night." He put his hands on her shoulders and gently started to massage her.
"Dont." She said pushing him away.
"Whoa, what did I do Bridget?" He asked her. The hurt in his voice and on his face was obvious to her.
"I need to be alone Vincent, please just go home." She begged him.
"Dont shut me out Bridget."
"Im not trying to, I just need to be alone. If you care about me youll go." She said. She turned away so she didnt have to look at him.
"Im not going till you tell me what I did wrong Bridget."
Finally she turned back to him. "It isnt anything you did at all, its me. I had a bad day, I have a ton of homework, I have a headache and Betsy had a fight with Jimmy. I just want to be home alone and maybe to help her. Please dont be mad Vincent."
"Okay." He said with resignation. "But Im going to call you later in case you change your mind."
"I love you Vincent." She said.
"I love you too Bridget."

Amber walked into The Lair and walked up to the bar. A young woman was washing glasses while a man was stacking bottles.
"Sorry, were not open." The woman told her.
"Im looking for Alex." Amber said.
"Shes in the office." The woman answered. "Can I tell her whos here?"
"Tell her Amber, and tell her its really important." Amber sat down at the bar while the woman walked to the back.
"Can I get you a soft drink or something?" The man offered.
"That would be great, you got anything caffeine free?" She asked.
"Sure." He said. He got a can of caffeine free cola and poured it for her.
"We dont get too many pregnant ladies here at The Lair. Are you a friend of Alex?" He asked.
"Um, sort of." Amber said. "Thanks." She said as she took a sip of the cola. "I was really thirsty." She looked to the door as the woman returned with Alex.
"Amber Forrester, youre about the last person Id expect down here. How ya doin girl?" Alex asked with a smile.
"Alex I really need to talk to Deacon." She said.
"Deacon? You know Deacon left town Amber." Alex told her.
"And I know Deacon came back too. Is he here Alex? I really need to talk to him, I did something really stupid and I have to warn him."
"Girlfriend, I have no idea where he is. He did come by to say hello but thats the first and last time Ive seen him."
"Alex please, I know you know where he is." Amber said.
"I really dont. In fact maybe he left town again. He saw his ex Amber and it wasnt a really loving reunion."
"What else did he say?" Amber asked.
Alex though for a moment. "He did say that he had a job at a bar near the beach."
"No names?" Amber asked.
"Damn it, I have to talk to him."
"Amber, he was all broken up about seeing Bridget. He still loves her." Alex told her.
"Oh God, if he does then I was all wrong and I might have ruined it for them."
"What did you do Amber?" Alex asked her.
"No, no I cant say. But if he comes in or calls or anything please tell him to call me. Alex its a matter of life or death." Amber said, knowing full well the power of Stephanie Forrester.

Taylor was exhausted after her conversation with Carlos, exhausted and yet exhilarated. She hadnt expected to ever see him again. Yes, she knew he still worked for Forrester but he was tucked away over at International, away from her family and her own safety. Though she wouldnt admit it to herself seeing him again had gotten to her. The memories were playing in her head. She stood in front of Ridges office trying to gain her composure before going in. She could never make him suspicious. Ridge was so angry at everyone lately. She had to be the strong one. She was about to knock and go in when the door opened from the inside.
"Doc!" Ridge said. He pulled her to him and kissed her. "You cant imagine how much I needed this visit."
"I missed you too honey." She said. "Bad day?"
"Same as always." He sighed. "No, actually it was even worse. Brooke called."
"She called you?" Taylor asked him.
"No, she called Megan but I was out there at the time, trying to get in to see the idiot." He motioned towards Brookes office.
"Carlos." She said softly. She caught herself before the memories returned. "So what did Brooke say?"
"Brooke is not willing to listen to me or to make changes. She is determined to ruin the company and leave that Casanova in charge."
"Carlos Caicedo is hardly a Casanova Ridge." Taylor laughed.
"Oh, and how would you know that?" He questioned her.
"He still is mourning his wife Ridge, and its been years. He really isnt what youd call a ladies man, at least not from what Ive heard." She added.
"There was talk about a beautiful model or something a few years back." He said.
"And that makes him a Casanova?" Taylor laughed.
"I just dont like him Taylor, but Brooke wont listen. Shes going to flush Forrester down the toilet and Im not going to sit still and let it happen. Then," he continued. "Then she calls Dad and talks to him and he says hell support her decisions. I swear Doc, I cant take it anymore. I think maybe Brooke and Carlos are fooling around. Maybe he was the one in Vegas. Why else would she be giving him all this power?"
"Brooke and Carlos?" Taylor asked. "Do you really think so Ridge?" She turned away as to not show her disappointment.
"You look upset." Ridge said.
"No, I, I just."
"Im glad Doc, it shows that you really do care about Logan. I dont think hes good for her either. Maybe we can talk to her about it when she gets home." He suggested.
"I dont hate Brooke. Sometimes she does annoy me and sometimes I do resent her, but thats normal Ridge given our history. But I dont wish her unhappiness. I really dont."
"I love you Doc, I love you so much. Youre my anchor and I dont know what Id ever do without you." He told her. He pulled her close and held her tightly.
"Well get through this together Ridge, I promise you." She said.

Brooke reached for another grape and Deacon captured her nipple in his mouth as she did. She moaned and let go of the handful of fruit and leaned back. "Oh Deacon." She cried out.
"Now arent you glad we decided not to dress for dinner?" He teased. He picked up her abandoned grapes and fed her one and then another.
"Dinner in bed, naked with my husband, what more could I want?" She asked him.
"Whatever you want, Ill do my best to get it for you." He assured her.
"I know you will Deacon." She touched his face with love and gentleness. "You know Ive been in a lot of relationships. Ive loved and been loved, but never, never have I ever felt this way."
"What way is that baby?" He asked her. He lifted her arm and kissed it up and down.
"Ive never felt so protected and Ive never felt like I was the only one, the only priority and I thank you so much for that."
"Youll always be my only priority. Well, at least for now." He said.
"Oh? You see it changing?" She asked.
"Uh huh." He said. He ran his hand down her chest and let it rest on her lower belly. "Someday Brooke youre going to have my baby and then I will have two priorities."
"A baby? You want a baby? Deacon Im too old for that." She laughed.
"Oh no youre not and oh yes I do. And you know what Brooke. I think you want one too."
"Maybe." She said reflectively. "But not until Bridget is okay with us Deacon, promise me that much."
"I promise." He said.

Stephanie had just walked into the house and put her purse down when the phone rang. "I have it Helen." She called out. She picked the phone up. "Hello."
"I found her." The voice said.
"I told you not to call me. I told you I was meeting you tonight." She said angrily.
"Did you hear me? I found her."
"Where? Is she alone?"
"Shes in Puerto Rico. I have her hotel and Im going down there tomorrow. I need to make arrangements tonight so can we do this over the phone?" He asked.
"No, no that wont do. Meet me now. Im on my way." She said.
"Okay, but make it quick. That is if you want me on her tail."
"Oh I do, I certainly do." She smiled. "Goodbye." She said hanging up. "Now Ive really got you Brooke."