Forbidden Love: A Deacon and Brooke Dedication
Chapter Seven, Part Two


Breacon Book Store

'Deal.' Betsy said. 'Two minutes and I'm out of here.'

'You look pretty Amber.' Rick said to his wife. She was wearing a loose fitting maternity blouse over wild brightly colored pants. Her hair was knotted on top with a few loose strands for effect.

'I feel like a house.' She complained. 'Bridget and Betsy are going to look so tiny compared to me.'

'They can't hold a candle to you. You're carrying my baby and you're beautiful.' He said with a kiss. 'Are you ready?'

'Helen is in with little Eric.' She said. 'Do you think Bridget feels funny around him?'

'I don't think so Amber, everyone's always thought of him as ours, not Deacon's. And I think she's really getting over him.'

'It must have been sad breaking up with Marc so soon though.' Amber said. 'I hope this new guy is nice, but I hope he isn't moving too fast. Bridget is vulnerable right now.'

'I plan on checking him out big time.' Rick assured her. 'I hope that Mom and Dad get to meet him soon too. I know Bridget could use as much support as possible.'

'Your mother hasn't been very supportive of anyone lately Rick. I think it's time she got over losing Ridge, I mean it's not like she ever really had him anyway.' Amber said as she picked up her purse.

'I thought you were going to try and be more understanding of her honey.' Rick said sternly.

'I'm trying Rick, but she doesn't like me and she doesn't pretend otherwise.'

'One of you has to be bigger about it. I'd be really proud of you if you'd be.' He said.

'Okay Rick, I'll do my best to be friendly with her. I promise.' She told him. She looked around. 'Do you have my wine?'

'Wine? Amber you're pregnant, you can't have wine.' He exclaimed.

'I know that silly, I meant the non-alcoholic wine. I bought a bottle today so I wouldn't feel all left out.'

'Great idea.' He said. 'I'll share it with you.'

'Thanks Rick, I really love you.' She said with a big grin.

Betsy walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She took a cherry tomato out of the salad and popped it into her mouth.

'I saw that.' Vincent teased as he and Jimmy walked in.

'Oh my God you scared me.' She told him. 'Don't tell Bridget, she'll kill me.' She walked over to them and hugged her boyfriend. 'Hi baby.' She said with a kiss.

'Where is she Bets?' Vincent asked.

'Still getting ready.' She said when she finally tore her lips from Jimmy.

'Okay.' He smiled. He walked away from them towards Bridget's closed bedroom door. He opened it and walked in.

'I'm hurrying Betsy. It's your fault anyway, you took too long.' Bridget said without turning around.

'Not Betsy.' Vincent said as he leaned over and kissed her neck.

'I'm sorry.' She said turning to face him. 'Betsy is so slow.'

'Don't worry about it.' He said. He walked to her bed and picked up the dress she had laid out. 'I like it.' He said to her.

'I'm glad. I hoped you would.' She smiled at him.

'I noticed there are extra settings at the table.' He said. 'Who else is coming?'

'Aren't you observant?' She teased. 'My brother and his wife.' She answered him. She picked up her brush and ran it through her hair.

'So I finally get to meet the elusive Rick, cool.' He said. He put the dress down and walked back up to her. He gently lowered the strap of her cream colored bra and bent down to kiss her breast.

'Vincent we have company coming.' She giggled, not really minding at all.

'Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?' He asked.

'Yes, but tell me again. I never get tired of hearing it.'

'Are you sure we don't have time?' He asked with a smile.

'They won't stay all night.' She told him.

'I'll be thinking of those pretty panties and that bra all night.' He said. He lowered the other strap and gave her other breast equal attention.

'Enough.' She laughed, pulling the straps back up. 'If you get me going now I'll never leave the bedroom.'

'Sounds okay to me.' He said. He gently massaged her shoulders.

'Yeah me too, but what kind of a hostess would I be then?' She asked him. 'Now get out so I can get dressed in peace.' She instructed him.

'Did I leave my Swatch here last night?' He asked her.

'I didn't see it. Vincent, you have to be more careful. You lose too many things.' She scolded him.

'I know, I know. You sound just like my mother.'

'Then your mother must have been very smart.' She laughed.

'What are these?' He asked as he picked up the brochures from USC.

'You know exactly what they are.' She frowned.

'Are you really thinking about transferring?' He asked her.

'I hate to be away from you.' She admitted. 'Besides, I don't have too many friends at school now.'

'Don't change for me babe. I can always change to your school. You're a med student, you need to stay where they have the best program. And anyway, I'm not going anywhere.'

'Sometimes I can't believe we've only known each other a couple of months.' She said.

'The best couple of months in my life.' He said.

She turned to him and they embraced. Their mouths met in a loving kiss. Finally Bridget broke away. 'Go on now. I need to get dressed.'

'Okay babe.' He said. 'I'll be waiting.' He smiled at her and walked out. Bridget hugged herself. She couldn't believe how happy she was and it was all because of Vincent.

'I'm going to marry that man.' She told her reflection.

Brooke yawned and put down the sketch she had been looking at. She was tired and they all were starting to look the same. She picked up the notes from the meeting and inspected all the check off points. They were almost there. The showing was moving along on time. She sighed as she looked at the paper again. It was stationary from the hotel. The Bellagio, she sighed. Memories of the nights there flooded her mind. She could almost smell him.

'What am I doing to myself?' She asked aloud. 'It's impossible.' She traced the hotel name with her finger. 'Oh Deacon, I never meant to fall in love with you. I wonder if you ever think of me.'

Deacon put down his empty glass and turned to the bartender. In the few weeks he had been there he and Angie had gotten to be friends. She was married, happily married and that suited Deacon. He enjoyed the company of women but he didn't want or need another involvement. Angie was easy to talk to and very easy on the eyes with her long brown hair and doe-like eyes. He realized he was staring at her when she frowned.

'Sorry Ang.' He told her.

'Something's bothering you, I can tell.' She said as she refilled his glass with the rich, amber liquid.

'Thanks doll.' He said. 'Nah, nothing is bothering me really. I was just appreciating the view.'

'Sure you were. Deacon talk to me. Who is it that occupies that head of yours all time?' She asked him.

'I really don't know what you're talking about.' He said with a sigh.

'I know men Deacon, I grew up with six brothers and I can spot a love sick man a mile away. So what's her story? Did she do you wrong?' Angie baited him.

'Nah. She was great. She was the most special person I ever met in my life.' He closed his eyes and Brooke's face floated in front of him as it had every day since the first time they had made love.

'So why aren't you with her? Is she married?' Angie prodded.

'It's a long story.' He said.

She looked around the empty bar and motioned to him. 'I got the time Deac, and I got a good ear too.'

'It was doomed from the start.' He said. 'I never should have touched her, but I couldn't help myself. She was beautiful Angie, but it was more that that. It's more what she is on the inside than the outside. She has a heart the size of Texas. And she let me in it.'

'You love her.' Angie stated plainly. Deacon looked at her as if the thought had never crossed his mind. But he knew he had been fighting it for months.

'Yeah, I love her. But it can never be.' He picked up his drink and swallowed it in one gulp. He reached for a cigarette and lit it. After one drag he put it out. 'She hated my smoking.' He said.

'If you're not with her, what does it matter?' Angie asked.

'I don't know. But I find myself still trying to please her. Angie the first time I made love to her it was an epiphany. Our bodies melded together like we were born for it. And her laugh, her beautiful laugh. I think of that and I could cry.' He admitted.

'You got it bad.' She sympathized.

'I'll get over it.' He said. 'I need to get laid. I need to remind myself there's plenty of snatch out there.'

'Ewwwh, crude Deac, real crude.' Angie laughed. 'Besides, somehow I doubt you ever thought of this lady that way.'

'I never did, and I never will.' He said. 'Ang, I wanted to claim her as my own and never let anyone else touch her. I wanted to marry her and make her big with my baby. I wanted to die in her arms. I wanted, oh how I wanted.'

'Then why didn't you?' Angie asked again.

'You'd never believe me if I told you and honey, I ain't telling.' He laughed. 'So come on, fill me up again.' He handed her his glass. She gave him a critical look but filled it anyway.

'You know Deac, a love like that doesn't come along every day.' She reminded him.

'You telling me that Old Al doesn't do it for you?' He asked her. 'How about a try at Deac?' He teased.

'Let me tell you a story Deacon. And maybe when I'm done you might have learned something.' She poured herself a drink and pulled her stool over close to the bar. 'It all started in 1996.' She began.

'Why do you keep torturing yourself Brooke? He doesn't want you. He doesn't feel the same way and even if he did you can't hurt Bridget.' She watched the tear fall from her eye and land on the paper. 'No, no I can't do it anymore. I just can't.' She roughly grabbed the phone. Through her tear stained eyes she punched in the numbers on the top of the stationary in front of her.

'Good evening, Hotel Bellagio, this is Chandra, how may I help you?' The polite voice answered.

'Um, um please connect me with security.' Brooke requested.

'One moment please.' She said.

'Hello, Security, this is Lonnie.' A man's gruff voice spoke.

'D,d,Deacon Sharpe please.' Brooke said in a near whisper.

'Sharpe ain't here.' He told her.

'Oh, oh. Um, when do you expect him in again?' Brooke asked.

'Who's this?' Lonnie asked.

It was now or never for Brooke and somehow she found the nerve deep down inside her. 'It's Brooke Logan.' She said.

'Well Deacon don't work here no more. He left town, moved to Arizona or something.' He informed her.

'He's gone?' She whispered. 'He's gone.' She repeated, not as a question but as a statement.

Lonnie hadn't even realized that she had hung up as he promised to give him the message if he ever called. He shrugged when he heard the dial tone but still wrote down the note.

Deacon Sharpe

Brooke, the elevator lady called.

He put the note on his supervisors desk knowing that it might be about the case. Meanwhile in Los Angeles Brooke buried her head in her hands and wept over lost chances and lost love.

'So you married the guy your family wanted you to and you let the one you really loved leave?' Deacon asked Angie.

'I did.' She said. 'Now don't get me wrong, Al's a good man. He's a good husband and he makes me happy, but I swear Deac, not a day goes by when I'm not thinking about Jack and what might have been. He was the one, he was the special one that stole my heart. If I had it to do over again I would never have let him get away. Think about it Deac. It may not be too late for you and your lady. Don't let stubbornness and pride get in the way. If you love her go to her, claim her, make her yours or I swear you'll regret it every day for the rest of your life.'