Forbidden Love: A Deacon and Brooke Dedication
Chapter Six


Breacon Book Store

Brooke was avoiding her empty home. She had asked the driver to take her to Forrester and she had immediately gone to her office and caught up on her mail and emails. She was about to pick up the phone when Rick walked in.

"Mom? I didn't expect you in today." He went up to her and gave her a hug and kiss. "How was Vegas?"

"Exhausting, but successful." She smiled. "The meetings went well. It will be a wonderful showing. And before you ask, yes I got your messages. Are you sure we can't wait until tomorrow for dinner?"

"Are you that beat Mom?" He asked her as he sat on the corner of her desk.

"Vegas is such a fast paced city and everything seemed to move that way. We didn't have much time to rest or to be on our own. I'd really like to finish up here and maybe go home and take a bath and just rest."

"We'd really like to spend more time with you. You've been so alone lately Mom. Amber made reservations at Café Russe. Come with us, I promise we won't keep you out too late."

Brooke sighed and looked at her son. She knew that this was an argument she was going to lose. "Okay, fine. I could use a nice meal. I'll join you, but I won't stay late. I really am beat honey."

"Did Ridge come back with you?" Rick asked.

"No, he wanted to see Taylor and the kids. Seeing how I have no one waiting at home for me, well, I just decided to clean up a few things." Brooke said with a false smile. Sadness was all over her face and Rick was not immune to it.

"Mom, you have us to come home to. And Bridget too. I wish you weren't so down on yourself. Besides, I know that you're going to meet someone and you'll be happy too. It just was never a good idea for you to go after Ridge like that."

"Don't remind me." She told him. "You don't think that there isn't a day I don't regret that? I was crazy. I wasn't thinking about Ridge or his kids or you guys or Thorne. All I cared about was myself and what I wanted, or what I thought I wanted. Maybe I never even knew what it was that I wanted then." She said reflectively. Rick noticed the far away look on her face.

"And you do now?" He wondered.

"No, no not at all. But I do know what I don't want." She pushed a strand of hair from her face. "How has Bridget been? Is this new boy nice? She doesn't seem too thrilled about him but I am glad she's getting out. God knows she needs something to take her mind off of everything."

"She still talks about Deacon Mom, and I don't like that. Amber seems to think this Marc guy is good for her but not me. It's too soon. She's forcing something."

"I was afraid of that. But it is good that she's socializing at least."

"You could take a lesson from her Mom." Rick smiled. "You know Thorne's seemed sort of lonely lately too."

"It's too late for us Rick. Too much has happened and I've realized how wrong that whole relationship was. Don't get me wrong, Thorne is a wonderful man and I do love him, in my own way. But Rick, when I started seeing him I was denying my true feelings. I wasn't over Ridge at all and I was trying to convince myself that Thorne could be everything that Ridge wasn't. I hurt him deeply and I will never forgive myself for that. Not only that, but I lost a dear friend along the way." A tear formed in her eye and she wiped it away. "He will find someone that loves him Rick. He deserves it so much."

"So do you Mom." Rick said with another hug. "You know, you sound like you realize that it really is over with Ridge."

"I do. I was trying to recapture something that was long over. I almost lost his friendship too, but luckily for me I didn't."

"So you don't love him anymore?" Rick asked.

"I will always love him, but I'm not in love with him and I have moved on. And I do accept his marriage, as late as it seems." She looked up at him. "Your mother is pretty pitiful isn't she?"

"My mother is wonderful, kind, beautiful and talented." Rick smiled at her. "And I hope hungry."

"I'm not any of that but I will have dinner with you." She looked at the clock. "What time are the reservations?"

"Amber thought you might be tired so she made them for seven thirty. Why don't you go home and rest and we'll pick you up?" Rick suggested.

"I have a few more things to take care of but I'll leave soon."

"Okay Mom, I'd better get back to work myself. I'll see you later." He waved and walked out, closing her office door.

"I tell you Doc, it was like she was two totally different women. You know how she had been. And that's exactly what she was like when we first got to Vegas. She was sad and sullen and I couldn't get a smile out of her no matter how hard I tried. Then the next morning at the meeting it was the old Brooke. She floored them and me too. But by the time we were back on the plane home it was that other Brooke again. I just don't know what to make of it." Ridge told his wife. They were sitting together on the couch holding hands. Ridge had been so happy to be home. He had missed his family enormously.

"Maybe she's tired Ridge. It was a busy time and she hasn't been in the best frame of mind to begin with. You know how worried she is about Bridget. You should be happy that she was able to come out of it all for the meetings and that they were so successful."

"It's more than that Doc. I saw things, things that are not like Logan." He told her.

"Such as?" Taylor asked.

"I went to her room, she hadn't answered her phone and we were late for the final meeting. She had overslept. She went to take a shower and I noticed some things in her room."

"You snooped?" Taylor laughed. "Ridge that is not nice. Does she know you did that?"

"Let me tell you what I found Doc."

"It's really none of my business, or yours either for that matter." She scolded him.

"There was an empty wine bottle." He started.

"So she had some wine. So what Ridge? You drink wine too."

"It was champagne. But that's the least of it. There were two glasses Doc." He said with wide eyes.

"So she shared it with someone. Maybe they were sealing the deal. Ridge you really need to mind your own business."

"There were cigarette butts in the ashtray." He told her.

"Are you saying Brooke was smoking? I rather doubt that Ridge, she is very vocal about that. So her friend smokes, not smart but not illegal either." She reminded him.

"You ready for the best part?" He asked.

"No, not really. Ridge I really don't care what Brooke does in her spare time as long as she isn't chasing after my husband."

"You'll wanna hear this one Doc." He said.

"If you insist."

"She had condom wrappers Doc, at least three of them."

"Ridge! You really shouldn't be looking into her private life like that!"

"Think about it Doc. She was alone in Vegas. I was the only one she knew and I wasn't the one using the condoms, that's for sure."

"It better be." She said sternly.

"Come on Doc, give me a little credit will you?" Ridge said half seriously, half joking. "Anyway someone was in her room and someone used those condoms. I thought it was Josh from Victoria's cause he smokes but when I saw them together I knew I had to be wrong. I can't imagine who it is. It's not like Logan to do the one night stand thing."

"I think you need to let Brooke lead Brooke's life Ridge. If she wanted you to know who she was sleeping with she'd tell you. Maybe it was a one night thing. She doesn't have to answer to you."

"That would be fine Taylor, but on the plane going home she was back to the sullen, sad Brooke again. I just don't like it. Not after seeing her so animated." He looked at his wife and frowned. She didn't seem as interested as he had hoped. He didn't want her to be jealous. There was no reason for that. He loved Brooke, he loved her as a friend but Taylor was his wife and the woman he had chosen to spend the rest of his life with. "What's wrong Doc?"

"I don't know Ridge. I don't know why I should even care at all about her but somehow I do. You're worried about her and that means something may be wrong. I think maybe we should talk to Eric. He's close to her, what with Rick and Bridget. It's more his place to question her than ours." Taylor explained.

"Dad and Brooke are close, but I don't think she would confide in him about her sex life Doc, they don't exactly have that kind of relationship."

"And I'd rather you didn't either Ridge." She told him.

"I don't know Betsy." Bridget said as she held one outfit and then another in front of her. "They're both nice but what is the right one for skating?"

Betsy looked at the two choices. One was black pants with a purple blouse and a vest. It was sharp and stylish. The other was a warm, woolen sweater in shades of red, blue and green and red stretch leggings. Both would work skating. Both were nice winter choices.

"Or I could go with my green skirt and something nice on top?" Bridget asked her.

"But what if you fall?" Betsy asked.

"I don't fall. You know skirts are the thing professionals wear when they skate. Damn I wish I had known I was going. I would have asked Dad if he could have made me something." She lamented.

"It must be nice having a father and brother who are such great designers." Betsy said with a touch of envy.

"You know you can always borrow anything you want from me." Bridget said. "So stop moping and help me decide. Vincent will be here soon and I need to be ready."

"Go with the leggings." Betsy said. "You'll look really cute."

"Okay." Bridget agreed. She put the other outfit away and went to her room to change into the leggings and sweater.

"Your Mommy is a really special person, did you know that?" Ridge told Phoebe as he gave her a banana. "You want one too Steffie?" He asked his other daughter.

"Yes Daddy." She said with a smile. He was so in love with his children. He wanted to cover them both with kisses but he knew that they would be annoyed. They had missed them but as soon as he had given them their presents and paid them a little attention they were both ready to play their own little games. Thomas was growing up so fast. He too had been excited to see Ridge again but when his little friend Andy's father had called and invited him along to the movies and ice cream he had had enough of his Daddy. Ridge gave Steffie a banana. She looked up at him with pure love and admiration. "Where is Mommy?" She asked Ridge.

"She went to see Grandpa. She'll be home soon angel." He said as he snuck one more kiss.

"Daddy!" Steffie complained.

"I know, I know, you're getting too old to have Daddy kissing you all night aren't you?" Ridge smiled and put his daughter down. He thought about his life and how happy he was. He had it all, he just wished that somehow Brooke could find her own happiness too.

Taylor walked up to Megan's desk. She had been to Eric's office but it was empty. She hated to go home without accomplishing her mission. "Where's Eric?" She asked Megan.

"He had a meeting with Jonathan. They decided to do it over dinner. How are you Taylor?"

"I'm good." She said, obviously perturbed.

"Ridge isn't in either." Megan told her. "But he's back. I know because Brooke is in her office."

"Ridge is at home with the kids." Taylor answered. "Brooke is here? In her office?"

"Yes." Megan said with a questioning look. "Taylor please don't tell me she started something again in Vegas."

"Why would you ask that?"

"Well, um, Brooke seems upset and well, so do you. And you wanted to see Eric and."

"Megan, stop reading things that aren't there." Taylor admonished her. "I think I'll go say hello to Brooke." She walked away from Megan and towards Brooke's office. The door was slightly ajar. She knocked and stuck her head in. "Brooke? Hi." She said as she walked in. She was shocked when Brooke looked up. Her cheeks were stained from tears, her hair was a mess and frankly she looked terrible. "Oh my God Brooke, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Close the door." Brooke said in a monotone. Taylor turned, closed it and walked over to her. "Brooke talk to me, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"You don't have to worry Taylor, this has nothing to do with Ridge. At least not directly." Brooke grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. She tossed it into the wastepaper basket, which was overflowing with used tissues.

"I wasn't accusing you Brooke. Are you alright?"

"No, but don't worry about me." She looked up at Taylor again. "I'm sure Ridge is home by now."

"I already saw Ridge Brooke."

"Okay fine, then go home to him Taylor and leave me alone. I just want to be alone." Brooke begged her.

"You really look like you could use a friend Brooke."

"And that would be you? Ha." Brooke laughed and wiped a tear from her eye.

"I'm not your enemy Brooke, I'm really not." Taylor said softly. "Ridge was very concerned about you and seeing you like this, well I am too. Brooke you can talk to me. I promise to keep anything you say in total confidence."

"You expect me to believe you? After what we went through? Taylor I went after Ridge, we were at war. Now you want to be my friend? I'm sorry but I don't understand this at all." She grabbed another tissue and blew her nose again.

"I think that we can both get past that Brooke. I do understand how much you loved Ridge and how that made you do some of the things you did."

"Isn't that gracious of you." Brooke said sarcastically. "You won, so of course you can say that. How would you feel about me if he had left you Taylor? Would you be here all sanctimonious asking me to spill my guts then?" She looked at Taylor who stared at her with a blank, unbelieving look. "I didn't think so."

"It's up to you Brooke, but I was being sincere. You really look like you need someone to talk to. I'm sorry if you don't trust me." Taylor turned to go. She was up to the door when Brooke weakly called her back.

"Taylor, please stay." She said in a half whisper. Brooke got up and walked to the couch and sat down. Taylor turned and walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"What's wrong Brooke? Are you sure it's not Ridge?" She asked. "Are you sure that this isn't the same thing all over again?"

"No." Brooke said. "No, I know I was wrong. I'm not denying that I loved him, but I do know I was wrong to chase him like that." She sniffled. "Love isn't real when you have to force it. Maybe he never loved me."

"Now you're being ridiculous Brooke. You know perfectly well that Ridge loved you, in fact he still does. But he's made his life and he's committed to us. I'm secure in that love now and I have no problems with you and Ridge being friends, I really mean that. But I think that whatever is bothering you, well it's something you can't talk to him about. Am I right?" Taylor asked her.

Brooke looked at her but she couldn't seem to get the words out. She started to sob again and she was stunned when Taylor took her into her arms. She rested her head on her shoulder and cried. After a few minutes she sat up. "Wow, I never expected to do that or anything." Brooke smiled.

"Are you ready to talk?" Taylor asked.

"I think it might be better if I kept this to myself. But I do appreciate your caring."

"You know that when you keep things inside they escalate and get so much worse that eventually they can even lead to a breakdown. I don't want that for you Brooke."

"I did something terrible Taylor, so terrible that I don't know how to fix it. And the worst thing is that I'm not even sure that I want to fix it. I hate myself so much, I wish I'd just die."

"Do you want to talk about it? Do you want to tell me Brooke?" Taylor asked her.

"If I do, you can't tell anyone Taylor, not even Ridge. Can I trust you?"

"You can Brooke." Taylor said as she took her hand.

"How do I look?" Bridget asked Betsy. She nervously played with her hair.

"You look great Bridget. Why are you so nervous? Who is this guy?" Betsy laughed.

"He's so special Betsy. I never met anyone who made me feel this way so fast before." Bridget admitted with a laugh.

"Except for Deacon." Betsy said.

"No, not even Deacon. Vincent is so different from anyone I've ever met. He's sexy and funny and self assured and so cute." She smiled and walked to the mirror and checked her makeup for the fifth time. "What time is it?" She asked.

"Two minutes later than the last time you asked." Betsy told her. "He'll be here Bridget."

"He's late, what if he changed his mind? What if he decided I was a dork?" Bridget said with a pout.

"He won't. I'm sure he's on his way." Betsy said, trying to reassure her. They both turned at the sound of the doorbell.

"You get it, I don't want to look too anxious." Bridget said nervously.

"Yeah, why be honest?" Betsy laughed as she walked to the door. She opened it and her eyes widened at the handsome young man in front of her. "Hi, I'm Betsy." She said.

"I'm Vincent. Is Bridget ready?" He asked.

"Come on in." She escorted him in. He followed her to the living room where Bridget was standing.

"Hi." He said. "You look great. Are you ready?"

"I just need to get my skates." She said. She smiled at him. He looked so handsome in his jeans and teal green sweater. She went to the closet and took her skates out. "Ready."

"Great. Let's roll." He told her. "Nice to meet you Betsy." He took Bridget's arm and they walked to the car. He opened the passenger door for her. She got in and he closed it for her and got in the driver's side. "I've really been looking forward to this." He said.

"Me too. I haven't skated in a long time. Do you skate well?" She asked.

"Not the fancy stuff. You?" He asked.

"Pretty well. I took lessons as a kid and I've always loved it. But I'll tone it down." She laughed.

"I didn't say I can't skate Bridget, I was center on my college team. I just never did the figure skating thing."

"You play hockey? I love hockey." She grinned.

"Good, then we'll go see the Kings." He took her hand and squeezed it. "That's a nice place. Have you lived there long?"

"Not really. It was my half brother's wife's place when they weren't together. Oh Vincent, it's a really long story and I don't want to scare you away." She said with a blush.

"You couldn't do that. I know a little bit about your family. Your Mom kind of gets around huh?"

"She's a great person. She's just been really unlucky in love." Bridget told him.

"I didn't mean that she wasn't. I'm sorry Bridget, first dates are really trying. And besides, I'm dating you, not your mother. I just wanted you to know that you didn't have to explain."

"I'm a little more scared to tell you about myself Vincent." She said shyly.

"Hey Deac." Lonnie called out. The heavyset man ran, rather slowly to him. He was out of breath when he caught up to him.

"You need to diet Lonnie." Deacon warned him. "You're a candidate for a heart attack this way."

"Cut the lectures Deac, I get enough of that from Mavis." He complained. "I just talked to Phil."

"Oh yeah? Is he feeling better?" Deacon asked.

"He told my you're leaving." Lonnie pressed, ignoring the question. "Where are you going? You just got here man. You get a better offer from one of the other casinos? I swear that I'll leave too. I know Ed's had offers and Roxie, well she is getting sick of this place too. So which one are you going to?"

"None of them Lonnie, I'm leaving town." Deacon told him. He wasn't in the mood to give the man an explanation, not that he owed him one.

"Oh yeah? How come? Where you going to? Back to El Lay?" He said with a laugh.

"No Lon, not LA. I'm moving on. I need a change of scenery. I got an offer in Phoenix so I'm headed there."

"Phoenix? What the hell do they have in Phoenix? No casinos, that's for sure. What the hell are you going to do in Phoenix Deac?"

"I'm going to work in a club, not that it's any of your business."

"Is it good money? Hey Deac, all them old ladies and golfers go there. You ain't gonna get any snatch like you had in the elevator there."

Deacon grabbed the man by the shirt and held him. "Don't you ever say a word about that woman again Lonnie. Never!" He shouted.

"Whoa! Calm down Deac. Phil told me you were hot for her. I just never imagined a guy like you tied to some chicks leash. Now me, that's different. Mavis got me and she got me good."

"I'm not tied to her. I'm never going to see her again, but she's a lady and she deserves respect. You got that?"

"Yeah, I got it Deac, I got it." He said with a nervous laugh. "So uh, when are you goin'?"

"I told Edison I'd finish out the week and that's it." Deacon explained.

"I'll miss ya Deac. I really will."

"I'm so ashamed." Brooke wept. "I know you think I'm a terrible person already Taylor but you are going to think I'm so much worse, so much worse."

"Brooke, I don't think you're a terrible person. I think you make some bad decisions but you aren't a terrible person. Now tell me what has you so upset. Maybe I can help you find a way out of it."

"There really isn't a way out. What I did was despicable." She wiped her eyes. "When I got back from Paris I was a mess. I was lonely and sad and I felt so worthless." She looked at Taylor. "I don't expect you to feel bad for me or even to understand but I really had counted on Ridge. I thought we'd be together again."

"That couldn't have happened Brooke. Ridge and I are happy, we have a family, he had no desire to leave that, no matter how much he cared for you or was attracted to you. You don't think he's still coming back to you do you?" Taylor wondered.

"No." Brooke said with a shake of her head. "In fact Taylor, if he ever knew about what I've done he'd never even talk to me again. So you have nothing at all to worry about. Not from me anyway."

"What did you do Brooke? What is it that you think is so bad?"

"My life has never turned out the way I hoped it would." Brooke said reflectively. "All my relationships failed. And I've hurt everyone, everyone who cared about me."

"That may be true to an extent, but the important thing is that you realize it and you want to change it. Brooke, that's a very positive attitude to take." Taylor said with a smile. "You should be proud of yourself."

"Proud? No Taylor, I'm not proud at all. I was so lonely and so upset with my life that all I wanted was to make sure that my children never followed in my footsteps. It was too late for Rick and Amber. They had little Eric and they seemed to be so solid. I didn't want that but I couldn't stop it. But I could help Bridget. It wasn't too late for her." Brooke sniffled.

"No it wasn't and you did help her Brooke. She accepted that it was over with Deacon and she's grown stronger. I saw her last night and she seemed happy. She really is a well adjusted young lady. I know it still hurts her that her marriage failed but she is going to be alright. You did well by her Brooke and whatever you said to Deacon to make him leave, it was the right thing for her. She will realize that soon. Mark my words Brooke, she will."

"What I said to him?" Brooke said with a laugh. "Oh what I said to him."

"Is this what this is all about Brooke? The fact that you helped end her marriage? I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing if I had been in your shoes. It wasn't interfering, it was helping. Can I ask you what it was that you said to him to change his mind?" Taylor asked.

"It isn't what I said, it's what I did." Brooke said softly. "I slept with him."

Bridget was lacing her skates as Vincent skated around in front of her. He came close and smiled.

"You're good." She said.

"And I'm sure you are too." She finished and stood. He took her hand and helped her onto the ice. "So are you going to tell me why you're so scared to tell me about you?"

"I hoped you'd forgotten." She blushed.

"I will if you want me to, but isn't it better to start a relationship on the truth?" He asked. "Tell you what. You tell me your secret and I'll tell you one of mine too."

"Oh? You have a lot of secrets?" She asked.

"Maybe a few, but you go first." He took her hand and they started to skate together. Bridget felt so right with him. She liked him from the start and didn't want to jeopardize things by keeping things from him.

"I'm divorced." She said. "Well not exactly divorced but I was married and the marriage was annulled."

"You're what? Bridget how old are you?" He asked.

"I'm nineteen. I was eighteen when Deacon and I got married. But he's gone. He didn't love me and he left me."

"I'm sorry Bridget, I'm so sorry that you had to endure such heartache." He said with honesty and passion. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently on the forehead. "Did you love him a lot?"

"I thought I did, but maybe it wasn't as real as I thought." She smiled.

"Well, I'm not going to judge you for that. But I think eighteen is way too young to get married. I'm just a little selfish. I'm glad it didn't work out, cause then I'd never know you."

Taylor looked at Brooke in total shock. "Did I hear you correctly? Brooke tell me you didn't say you slept with him."

"I wish I could." She said softly. "But I did."

"Why? Whatever would possess you to do that? Brooke he was your daughter's husband." Taylor was blown away by the news. She was trying to understand, to listen but she couldn't believe the betrayal that Brooke had committed.

"You think there's a minute that goes by that I don't think about that Taylor? I know he was Bridget's husband and I know she loved him."

"Then why? What could you possibly hope to accomplish?"

"It had nothing to do with Bridget at all." Brooke said as she thought about their first encounter. She took a deep breath and turned back to Taylor. "We had talked, it was a really good talk. I finally thought I understood him. He did care about her, he was a good man and he agreed with me Taylor, he agreed that the marriage was wrong and that it had to end."

"That's all well and good but what happened Brooke? Did he threaten to stay with her unless you slept with him? Help me to understand." Taylor begged her.

"No, it wasn't like that at all. He was kind and supportive. We talked, we talked about our lives and the mistakes that we'd made. Deacon told me that he thought Ridge was crazy." She said with a smile of remembrance.

"Crazy for staying with me?" Taylor said in a huff.

"No, not really. Just crazy for letting me go. He said the things I needed to hear. He made me feel desirable again. We had a drink together to seal the decision and then he left. I went up to bed. I guess I forgot to lock the door. I was sad and lonely and I looked outside but he was gone. I don't know if I was relieved or disappointed but then he walked into my bedroom. We didn't say much. He asked if I wanted him to leave. I don't know why but I told him no. Taylor when he took me into his arms and kissed me it felt so good, so right. And when I woke up in bed next to him I was happier than I had been in such a long time."

"Oh Brooke, that wasn't smart at all. But it happened and it's over and Bridget doesn't know and there is no reason she ever has to find out. But I think you need to talk about this more. Now if you don't feel right talking to me I can recommend someone. But I really think you could use someone."

"That's not all though." Brooke said.

"It can be." Taylor said. "And I think it should be."

"No it can't." Brooke admitted. "It happened again and again and well, it just kept happening. It seemed that every time I needed someone somehow he knew it and he was there."

"So you kept seeing him until he left town?" Taylor asked.

Brooke blushed and looked away from her.

Vincent watched as Bridget spun on the ice. She was really good. A smile crossed his face as she skated back towards him and into his arms.

"You could have been a real star." He said.

"Not really but thanks. When I was about eight I thought I might like that but by then it was already too late. All the kids who were really serious had been in competitions by the time they were my age. So I just skated for fun. Now you skate really well and really fast too. Have you ever thought of professional hockey?" She asked him.

"Nah, writing is my love. Hockey is fun, I love playing but it would be a bore if it was something that I had to do." He smiled at her and pulled her close. Her eyes closed when his mouth moved to cover hers in a kiss. It was a short kiss but a real one filled with emotions. "Good." He said.

"Good?" She laughed.

"Now we've gotten that dreaded first kiss out of the way too. I have been wanting to do that all night." He smiled.

"Then do it again." She told him.

"Oh Bridget." He moaned. His lips covered hers and this kiss was deep and long. Their arms wrapped around each other and their hands explored each other under their sweaters. "Wow." He said as he caught his breath.

"Yeah." She agreed.

"I knew it would be good, I just had no idea how good."

"Vincent you don't think I'm loose or something do you? I mean because I was married."

"No way." He said with a hug. "Bridget we can take this as fast or as slow as you want it. But I would never judge you for who you were with or what you did in your past, never."

"So do I get one of your secrets?" She asked with a giggle.

"Secrets huh? Okay, I did promise you one." He said as he gave her a quick kiss. "But mine aren't quite as exciting as yours. I've never been married, in fact I've never had anyone really special. Um, well there's my nose." He said.

"Your nose?" She laughed.

"I broke it in a hockey game and I was so vain that instead of going through life with a bump I had plastic surgery. How's that?" He asked.

"That'll do for now." She smiled.

"What was his name." Vincent asked in a serious voice. Bridget knew exactly who he meant.

"Deacon, Deacon Sharpe. I met him at Insomnia."

"Good place to meet people." He grinned. "Do you still love him?"

Bridget looked deeply into his eyes. "You know I thought I did, until I met you."

"Wow." He barely got out.

"Yeah wow." She repeated. She leaned into him and their mouths met again in a kiss.

"I saw him the night he left. When I left Bridget's to take a walk he was outside waiting for me. We walked to an abandoned house and made love." Brooke confessed.

"That's a case of bad judgement but it's over. That's the important thing Brooke. You know that it's over don't you?" Taylor asked her.

"I never expected to feel the things for him that I did Taylor. When he left I was devastated. I know that everyone noticed something was wrong but no one knew what it was but it was Deacon. I missed him so much Taylor. I didn't want to miss him. I didn't want to care about him but I did, I do."

"But he's gone Brooke. Do you know where he is?" She looked at Brooke who turned bright red. "He's in Vegas isn't he?"

"Yes." Brooke admitted.

"Did you know that when you went there?" Taylor asked her.

"No. If I had I wouldn't have gone. We met totally by accident but it was a Godsend that we did. I was feeling down and I went to the casino. I played at a table for a while and I was winning. There was a man, he was drunk and he kept hitting on me. I was annoyed so I decided to leave. I picked up my chips and started towards the elevator. He came up from behind me and grabbed me. Taylor he was going to rape me. And somehow Deacon was there. He pulled him off and I was in his arms and we were kissing and then the next thing I knew we were making love again. I saw him once more before I left. Taylor something happened."

"What? Did he hurt you Brooke? Did he threaten you?" Taylor asked her. She was truly concerned. This would explain why Brooke was so down again.

"No. He was wonderful. But Taylor, I think I'm in love with him."

Chapter Seven, part One