Forbidden Love: A Deacon and Brooke Dedication
Chapter Four


Breacon Book Store

The meeting was a huge success. Brooke won them all over with her charm and charisma. Ridge was in awe with how she had come out of her funk and taken over. Her smile was contagious and everyone left the meeting feeling that they were in for the most successful showing ever. Brooke and Ridge walked out arm in arm and she turned to him and smiled.

'It went well didn't it?' She asked him.

'That's one hell of an understatement Logan. You floored them. You had them eating out of your hands. I was so proud of you. But I'm confused too.'

'Why's that?' She asked.

'Come on Logan, before we left I practically had to drag you here. You wouldn't even have dinner with me last night and today, well today there was a totally different Brooke Logan.'

'I haven't changed Ridge. I just put my best face forward.' She said with a smile.

'You can't fool me. I've known you too long for that Brooke. Are you going to tell me what happened last night or am I going to have to do so digging?' He laughed.

'Nothing really Ridge. I guess Vegas invigorates me. I had fun at the tables and I felt good about myself.' She said to him. She knew she had to come up with something better because she could never tell him the real reason.

'Well are you going to have dinner with me tonight Logan? Please don't say no. I don't want to be stuck with those pencil pushers like last night. Besides I have two great tickets for the show tonight. We'll have fun.'

'Dinner yes, show no.' She told him.

'You are not going to stick me are you?' He teased.

'I need my beauty sleep.' She smiled.

'Yeah right.' He laughed. 'Logan what the hell is going on?'

'Nothing Ridge. Now let me go and change for dinner. Where and when do you want to meet?' She asked.

'I'll meet you in the lobby at um' He looked at his watch. 'It's six now, can you be ready at seven thirty, eight?'

'I can manage that.' She said. 'See you.' She grinned and half walked, half skipped to the elevators.

'I gotta find out your secret Logan.' He laughed.

Deacon took a look at the monitor and nodded to the man beside him. He spoke into the walkie-talkie and then turned to Deacon. 'We'll need the woman to press charges.' He told him.

'She will.' Deacon assured him.

'Do you know her name?'

'I do.'

'Well? What is it?'

'You'll find out when it's necessary. Once the guy's in custody. I don't want her bothered a minute sooner.'

'Are you getting soft Sharpe?' His partner asked.

'No, she's just special. Do this for me Lonnie.' Deacon said as he took a sip of his now cold coffee. 'Ugh, this is shit.' He said throwing the half-full cup into the trashcan.

'It's her isn't it?' Lonnie asked as if a light bulb went off.

'Her?' Deacon played innocent.

Lonnie looked at him and started to laugh. He began singing Aerosmith's 'Love in an Elevator' and chuckling as he poked Deacon. This angered Deacon and he grabbed the man by the collar.

'She's a lady and don't you ever forget it!' Deacon eyed him with pure hatred and then let him go.

'Okay Deac, hey it was a joke man.' He said as he straightened his shirt.

'Hello honey.' Stephanie Forrester said as Bridget opened the door for her. She gave the girl a hug. 'You're looking lovely.'

'Hi Stephanie. Come on in.' She said.

'How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while.' Stephanie smiled.

'Not bad considering. It's been a lot nicer since Betsy moved in.'

'Good, none of us wanted you to be alone.'

'Would you like some coffee?' Bridget offered.

'I'd love some.' Stephanie said as she followed her to the kitchen. Bridget poured two large mugs and got the milk out of the refrigerator. 'So have you heard from your mother?'

'She called to say that they arrived safely but that's it.' Bridget replied as she put two spoonfuls of sugar in her own coffee. 'She's so down lately. I know she's worried about me and I wish she wouldn't, I'm really doing okay.'

'She's only worried about herself honey. She used her trump card on Ridge and she lost. She has nothing now. I'm just glad that Thorne is wise to her, I was afraid she'd try to get him back.'

'I hoped they would get back together.' Bridget said sadly. 'I want my mother to be happy and I really thought Thorne did make her happy.'

'Bridget honey, I love you and Rick, you know I do.' Stephanie said calmly. 'But under no circumstances do I ever want your mother involved with another member of this family. She's a cancer and we've finally gotten rid of her. I will not let my family ever be subjected to her again. It's time she found someone without the name Forrester. It's better for all of us.'

'Please don't talk that way about my mother.' Bridget begged her. 'I love her and she loves us. She would never do anything to hurt us and I don't think she'd hurt Thorne again either. Maybe they could both be happy again.'

'No honey.' Stephanie said with a laugh. 'Your mother will never do anything but cause him pain. For your sake and the sake of the company I put up with her, but if I had my way she'd be out of our lives forever.'

'Maybe we'd better talk about something else.' Bridget suggested.

'I knew you were smart.' Stephanie said with a smile. 'Have you seen your brother and Amber recently?'

'I had dinner with them last night. Amber is starting to show isn't she?'

'Yes she is. They must be so thrilled about this baby, I'm so happy for them.'

'Yeah.' Bridget sighed and looked down.

'What's wrong Bridget?' Stephanie asked her.

'Oh nothing really, I just was thinking about my life. It wasn't that long ago that Deacon and I were talking about having a baby.'

'Well, thank the good Lord that didn't happen. You have your whole life ahead of you.'

'Why does everyone keep saying that? Doesn't anyone understand that I loved him? That I wanted a baby with him? No one seems to care at all.'

'Oh yes we do care Bridget, it's just that this is for the best. That man is gone and you have a wonderful life now.' Stephanie insisted.

'Do I?' Bridget asked.

'Aren't you enjoying school honey?'

'I guess. It's just not the same anymore. It's like they're all just kids. I can't seem to relate to most of my friends anymore.'

'What about Betsy?' A concerned Stephanie asked her.

'Betsy is great, but she understands how I feel about Deacon.'

'You mean how you felt don't you?'

'I suppose. I guess a part of me knows he never really loved me enough. If he did he would never have been able to leave me.' She took a sip of her coffee. 'But I still miss him.'

Brooke stared at her reflection in the mirror. She wanted so badly to look perfect tonight. Not for Ridge, but for Deacon. That's why her dress still hung on it's hanger. Brooke was examining her lingerie and she was satisfied. She wore a tiny black strapless bra that clinched in front with a rhinestone clasp. Her matching thong had rhinestones on either hip. On her legs were sheer black thigh high hosiery. She turned to check the effect from the back and smiled. This illicit affair may not last but while it did she was going to go all out. She walked to the dress hanging from the closet door. It was another black gown, but this one was a halter-top that accentuated her still firm breasts. It was cut low and tightly belted at her waist. The belt also had a rhinestone clasp. It was slit on the side, slit very high. Brooke wondered if it was appropriate for dinner with Ridge. She didn't want to alert him to her plans and yet she didn't want to have to change again. She picked up a Vegas directory and looked at the restaurant section. She found one nearby that suited her attire and smiled. She dialed the concierge and asked him to make her reservations. If Ridge had other plans he would have to change them. A few minutes later the concierge called back and confirmed she has a table for two at eight. Smiling she sat at the vanity and looked through her jewelry. She picked out a diamond choker and a matching bracelet. Then she started to apply her makeup. As she reached for her mascara the phone rang again. She frowned and picked it up.

'Hello?' She said.

'Logan it's me Ridge. I wondered if you have a preference about dinner.'

'Oh good, I'm glad you called. I made reservations. We have a table at eight at Hugo's Cellar, it's in the Four Seasons. It was recommended.' She said.

'Oh, okay. Logan you never cease to amaze me.' He said with a laugh.

'I don't know what you mean Ridge.'

'You've been in a funk for like forever and suddenly it's the old Brooke again.' He explained.

'Well maybe that's true but don't you like this Brooke better?' She giggled. 'Anyway, I have a black gown on so make sure you look nice too.'

'I will Logan. I'll meet you downstairs soon.'

'Alright.' She said. She hung up the phone and finished putting on her makeup. Once she was satisfied she slipped on her gown and then her jewelry. She grabbed a pair of black strappy shoes and sat down and put them on. 'I think I'm ready now.' She said aloud. 'I'm ready for everything.'

'You wouldn't believe it Doc, she was like the old Logan. She took control of the meeting and never once let up.' Ridge said into the phone.

'I'm not surprised. I knew eventually she would be back to normal again. She was hurting for her daughter but now Bridget seems to be doing much better. So Brooke is relieved. It's time Brooke's life became her own again.' Taylor explained.

'You are amazing Doc. I can't believe you're okay with me being here alone with her. Not after what we went through.'

'We're at a better place than we ever were before Ridge, and I trust you and your love for me. I know Brooke is a friend and I don't mind, I really don't.'

'What did I ever do to deserve you Taylor?' He asked his wife.

'Hmmmm? I'll tell you when you come home.' She laughed.

'I think I'll bring home a present for you to show how I appreciate your understanding.'

'Just bring yourself Ridge. The kids and I miss you so much.'

'And I miss you all too. But I think I'll still bring you something.'

'How about something from the collection? We can have a private fashion show.' Taylor suggested.

'Now that I would love, but I have something a little bit more special in mind.' He walked to the dresser and opened the small jewelry box and looked at it. Inside was a six carat sapphire ring. It would perfectly match his wife's eyes. Ridge couldn't wait to give it to her. He closed the box and glanced at the clock. 'Damn it.' He exclaimed.

'What's wrong?' Taylor asked him.

'I was supposed to be meeting Logan downstairs in five minutes. She finally consented to have dinner with me. I told you she ate in her room last night.'

'Yes you did. But don't worry, I'm sure Brooke won't be mad if you're a couple of minutes late.'

'She made reservations at some swanky place at the Four Seasons. I don't want to disappoint her. I'd hate to ruin her mood. I swear if I didn't know better Doc.'

'What?' She asked.

'I'd swear that there was a man.' He said. 'But here? In Vegas? I doubt Brooke had some one night stand and I haven't seen anyone that I know.'

'It could be someone you don't know. But I doubt it Ridge. I think she probably spoke to Bridget. She really is doing well. Your mother and I are going to have dinner with her and Betsy tonight. Bridget even made the suggestion. I think she is finally getting over Deacon Sharpe.'

'Thank the Lord for that.' Ridge exclaimed. 'I hope we never see that loser again.'

'We got him Deac.' Phil said proudly as he walked into the security office. 'The sleaze ball did it to another woman and we got him red handed. Now we want to find your gal and have her testify too. That way the guy is sure to do time. So spill, what's her name?'

'Look Phil, she's a private lady and I don't know if she's going to want to do this. She may prefer to let it slide. I just wanted him watched. I didn't want him to bother her again.' Deacon explained.

'The cops are going to ask about her, we do have it on tape.' Phil told him.

'No!' Deacon shouted.

'What's your problem man?' Phil asked.

'Look Phil, she's part of my past life. Things went bad in LA and I never thought I'd see her again. But I can't bring her into this. You let me talk to her but if she says no it's no.' Deacon insisted.

'Your past huh? Sharpe you were in her pretty panties in about ten seconds. Man, I wish I had a broad like that in my past too. Are you afraid maybe she'd rather have the jerk than you?'

Deacon angrily grabbed him. 'That man was going to rape her and you damn well knew it.'

Brooke was standing facing the elevators with her arms crossed over her chest and she was mad, very mad. Ridge exhaled a deep breath and approached her. She looked beautiful and he couldn't help smiling at her.

'Sorry Logan, I got hung up on the phone and lost track of time.'

'Well now what Ridge? They may have given away our reservations. It's quarter to nine Ridge, I was about to just leave and go alone.' She fumed at him.

'Let's just go. They'll have a table for us Brooke, I'll make sure of it.' He took her arm and started to lead her to the door.

'I don't want to be out late!' She protested.

'We don't meet them till eleven tomorrow. You have plenty of time to rest. Or do you have some secret plans?' He teased. Brooke's anger returned full force. She wanted, no, she needed to see Deacon and Ridge Forrester was not going to keep her from him.

'What I do with my time is my business.' She said angrily. 'I think I'll go and order room service.'

'You'll do nothing of the sort. Whoever he is he can wait.' Ridge laughed. 'I don't know when or how you did it but I know you Logan, you met someone.'

'This is not funny.' She said.

'I'm not trying to be funny.' He laughed. 'Come on Logan, a little mystery is a turn on. You can't let him think he has it too easy, let him sweat a bit. I'll get you back soon, promise. I'm starved and I want to have dinner with my friend. Now let's go.' He said as he led her out of the lobby to the waiting limo.

'How was dinner?' Rick asked his wife. She leaned over and kissed little Eric and then turned back to Rick.

'It was nice. Just the Forrester girls, Betsy had a last minute date. Bridget seemed to be really happy. I was so worried about her. But I think maybe she's starting to get over Deacon.' She said. She picked up a piece of chocolate from a candy box and popped it into her mouth. 'Ummmm, that was good.'

'Didn't you just eat?' Rick laughed.

'I'm eating for two now.' She said. 'So what did you do tonight?'

'Little Eric and I went over to Dad's. Thorne barbecued. We had a Forrester men's night.' He told her with a smile.

'Except Ridge was missing.' She frowned. 'I hope your mother doesn't try anything Rick. I really want Ridge and Taylor to be happy.'

'I want them happy too Amber, but don't go talking about my mother like that. She knows what she did was wrong.'

'Yeah right.' Amber said sarcastically as she ate another candy. 'Your mother only wants what suits her and the hell with anyone else.'

'I thought you two were starting to get along.' Rick sighed. 'Amber you promised me you would.'

'I'm doing my best honey, but she doesn't like me and I don't like her. It's better when we aren't together. It really is.' She closed the box. 'Anyway, we did have fun tonight. I asked Bridget to have dinner with us next week, I told her she could bring a date.'

'A date? I guess that means Betsy.' Rick laughed. 'My sister isn't ready to date Amber.'

'Oh no? You better tell her that because she has a date tonight.' Amber grinned.

'She does?' Rick was flabbergasted. He had no idea that his sister had been making such progress and he was thrilled. 'Did she say who he is? How she met him?'

'Maybe you should give her the third degree yourself Rick, all I asked was if he was cute and was he a good kisser.'

'A good kisser?' He asked her. He had a sense of outrage at this. Here his sister was heartbroken over her failed marriage and his insensitive wife was asking about the way some casual date kissed.

'Take a chill pill.' Amber told him. 'She thought it was funny and yes, she said he was a very good kisser.'

'I want to know who he is. I don't want her with another loser like Deacon Sharpe. I hope we never see that jerk again.'

'Shhhhh.' Amber cautioned. 'No matter how you feel about him Rick, he still is little Eric's Dad and he may be back.'

'He'd better not show his face again.' Rick frowned.

Amber was lost in thought about seeing him outside Bridget's. He and Brooke were up to something and she was going to find out about it. In fact she vowed to herself that she was going to confront Brooke again when she came back from her business trip.

'That was delicious.' Ridge said to Brooke as he put his napkin down and pulled his chair out slightly. They had arrived late but being Forrester's and giving the maitre de a large tip had assured them a prime table. Ridge had dined on Lobster Fra Diablo and linguini while Brooke had Pork Tenderloin with a vegetable medley. They had shared a Caesar Salad and a bottle of Pinot Grigio. 'So what shall we have for dessert?' He asked her.

'We don't have time or room for dessert.' Brooke complained as she looked over at Ridge's wristwatch. 'It's ten o'clock.'

'And are you going to turn into a pumpkin? Come on Logan, the Crème Brulee sounds wonderful and so does the Mousse. So? What'll it be?'

'You can stay, I'm tired and I want to go back to my room.'

'We are not going anywhere until we have coffee and dessert.' Ridge said. He was determined and Brooke knew fighting him would be fruitless. She decided that maybe it was for the best. Maybe she and Deacon should have just ended it last night. She sighed and picked up the dessert menu to Ridge's obvious pleasure.

Brooke carefully watched behind her to see if Ridge was following. He had insisted on escorting her to her room so she had lost even more precious time. She almost decided not to go at all but at the last minute changed her mind. The draw to Deacon was too strong. She wanted him, she yearned for him and now she said a silent prayer that he would be waiting for her. She made her way to the roulette table and looked from side to side. Much to her disappointment Deacon was nowhere to be found. A single tear escaped her left eye and she walked up to the table. She opened her purse and handed the dealer a hundred-dollar bill. 'One chip please.' She said. She placed it down and watched the wheel. If she won she'd see him, if she lost she'd go back to her room. Brooke wasn't sure what she was hoping for but when it landed on red another tear escaped and she walked away from the table a loser. Almost as if in a daze she wandered through the many tables and the loud and brightly-lit slot machines. Bells went off and she stopped and watched a woman in a dress that looked like a rag scoop up coin after coin after coin. She was sobbing with happiness and Brooke looked up and saw she had won the jackpot. She smiled at the woman and walked on. Brooke was a bit disoriented. She stopped to search for the signs for the elevators when suddenly a hand touched her shoulder and turned her around.

'I thought you had turned me down.' Deacon said as he lowered his mouth to hers in a gentle kiss.

'I'm sorry I was late, we were held up at the restaurant and then.' Deacon stopped her by placing his finger on her lips.

'You don't owe me an apology Brooke, you don't owe me anything at all.' But his eyes bore into hers with an intensity not matched by anyone she had ever known. Brooke felt weak in her knees and a now familiar warmth grew between her legs.

'I wanted to be here on time.' She managed to get out.

'You look beautiful. Would you like to have dinner?' He asked her.

'I already did.'

'Oh.' He said as he looked her up and down again. 'Who was the lucky man?'

'Ridge.' She whispered.

'Ridge.' He spit back. 'I should have known. How did you manage this Brooke? I thought he had given up. So it's back to Ridge Forrester again. You have the man of your dreams again. I should have known I could never match up to him.'

'It wasn't like that. It was just dinner. We're here on business together.' She explained. She then frowned and squinted at him. She didn't have to explain anything to him. It was only sex. She had a life that had nothing at all to do with Deacon Sharpe. She was not going to let him get to her.

'Is Taylor here too?' Deacon asked.

'Does that really matter?' Brooke asked.

'It shouldn't, but it does.' He admitted.

'Deacon.' She started. Again she found herself explaining herself and making excuses. She was angrier with herself and then she looked into his eyes once more and smiled. 'You're teasing me aren't you?'

'If it means a smile like that? Yes.' He said.

'Shall we go upstairs?' Brooke asked as she fished in her purse for her room key card.

'Wait.' He said. 'Will you come somewhere with me?'

Brooke looked around nervously.

'He's not here Brooke, and even if he is, it's really none of his business.'

'But Bridget.' She said. Further words were not needed.

'Bridget is my past.' He told her. 'Please Brooke, come with me.'

'Where?' She asked him.

He just smiled at her and took her hand. He led her to the classical Italian garden in which were set six swimming pools plus a Grand Patio that seemed to be right off of a movie set; as they walked she saw some of the best collection of restaurants in town. She was shocked to see an art gallery filled with, if not masterpieces certainly highly regarded works by some of the most famous modern and impressionist artists of the century. He walked her to a table in the garden that was set and a card with his name was next to the flowers. A bottle of Dom Perignon sat chilling in a wine bucket.

'This is amazing.' Brooke said. 'You set this all up?'

'I hoped you'd show. I almost gave up on you, on us.' He said as he cupped her chin and kissed her again. He held her chair out for her and she sat. He smiled and poured them each a glass of champagne. 'What shall we drink to?' He asked.

'I don't know.' She answered nervously.

'To second chances.' He said looking her deeply into the eyes. He took her hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it. Brooke sighed and sat back, finally relaxing.

'It's so beautiful here.' She said. She looked around again. The pool and the fountains were surrounded by plants and flowers. There were tables scattered all around but each one had it's own sense of privacy. There was music playing. Modern, popular music. It was soft and soothing. Some couples were dancing to it and Brooke smiled as she watched them.

'Dance with me Brooke.' Deacon said as he stood and took her hand.

'No, no I can't.'

'Why not?' He laughed. 'I know you can dance and believe it or not, so can I.'

'I'm sure you can, but we shouldn't even be out together in public.' Brooke told him. 'I was your mother-in-law Deacon. Do you know how cheap I feel?'

'You insult me Brooke, there is nothing cheap at all about my feelings for you.' He looked into her eyes with such sincerity she almost believed him. But still she had her doubts and she held back. 'Brooke, there is so much more between us than just sex. If that was it I'd have you in your bed right now, you know I would.'

'So now you're saying I'm easy?' She asked as she pulled her hand back from him. 'Now you've insulted me.'

'I didn't mean it as in insult. I meant that you and I know what we have in bed, it's strong, it's powerful. Neither of us can deny that Brooke. But I want more.' He suddenly stopped, he had even surprised himself with his declaration.

'I can't give you more Deacon, there's Bridget to think about.'

'Don't ever think I don't care about Bridget because I do Brooke. I do very much, but you were right. Bridget and I never should have been married. I ended it, I ended it for all of us, for me, for Bridget and yes, for you too Brooke. I've tasted paradise and I don't think I can give it up.'

'You're asking far too much of me Deacon. I can't offer anything more than the here and now. You say it isn't about sex, but it is, you know it is.'

'Dance with me.' He said in a persuasive tone. 'One dance and then whatever you want I'll do. You want to leave, you leave, you want me to come back to your room, I will. You want to see me again, we will and if you never want to see me again, well, I guess we do that too.'

'And one dance with you is going to make me change my feelings?' She asked with a nervous laugh.

'No, but it might make you open your eyes to them. I know you see something more in me Brooke, you see the real Deacon, even Bridget never saw him. Your eyes drill down to my soul Brooke Logan and you know it. Dance with me.' He repeated.

'One dance and then you'll do what ever I ask?' She asked him.


She held her hand out to him and he helped her from her chair. They walked out to the dance floor and he took her into his arms. The final strains of Unchained Melody played as they glided together. When the song ended Brooke looked up at him. 'Alright, you had your dance.'

'Oh no Brooke, that was less than half of a song, besides, I have a special song for us.' He turned to the DJ and gave him the thumbs up.

'You mean he's in on this too?' She gasped.

'Deacon Sharpe leaves nothing to chance.' He said. He pulled her tightly into his arms. 'Hold me and dance with me and listen to my heart and to yours too Brooke.'

She felt herself melting into his arms as the sounds of Lionel Richie filled the garden.

'This is us Brooke, this is us.' He said as they swayed ton the music.


Every time I see you and I look into your eyes

There's a feeling that I get

And it's way down deep inside, girl

I've been trying to hold on, but you say this you're not sure

I just hope you realize what my heart is going through


How long must this feeling go on

How long must I stand the pain and

How long, must this feeling go on

Waiting for the night

Waiting for the right time to come

I know all about the hurt and the problems in the past

I know why you're scared of love,

'Cause you think that it won't last long

Well, I'm here to tell you what I'm saying is all true

There ain't nobody else in life

That can take the place of you


How long must this feeling go on

How long must I stand the pain and

How long, must this feeling go on

Waiting for the night

Waiting for the right time to run

Why can't we just run away, and oh run

A place where we can be alone and nobody finds us, run

Can be both just run away, and oh run

Girl, I can't wait to have you

How long must this feeling go on

How long must I stand the pain and

How long must this feeling go on

Waiting for the night

Waiting for the right time to come, to come

When the song ended their mouths met in a totally unplanned and yet perfectly orchestrated kiss. Deacon reached up and wiped a tear off her cheek.

'Oh Deacon, I have no words.' Brooke said softly.

'We don't need words Brooke, our hearts already know each other.' He pulled her to him again and kissed her. The other couples on the dance floor were well aware of them and some were even jealous of the obvious feelings passing between them but at this moment no one else existed to either of them except each other. Brooke now knew that it would be impossible to say good-bye to Deacon Sharpe. She tilted her mouth back up to his for another kiss, a kiss that was truly much more than sex.

Chapter Five