Brooke carefully watched behind her to see if Ridge was following. He had insisted on escorting her to her room so she had lost even more precious time. She almost decided not to go at all but at the last minute changed her mind. The draw to Deacon was too strong. She wanted him, she yearned for him and now she said a silent prayer that he would be waiting for her. She made her way to the roulette table and looked from side to side. Much to her disappointment Deacon was nowhere to be found. A single tear escaped her left eye and she walked up to the table. She opened her purse and handed the dealer a hundred-dollar bill. 'One chip please.' She said. She placed it down and watched the wheel. If she won she'd see him, if she lost she'd go back to her room. Brooke wasn't sure what she was hoping for but when it landed on red another tear escaped and she walked away from the table a loser. Almost as if in a daze she wandered through the many tables and the loud and brightly-lit slot machines. Bells went off and she stopped and watched a woman in a dress that looked like a rag scoop up coin after coin after coin. She was sobbing with happiness and Brooke looked up and saw she had won the jackpot. She smiled at the woman and walked on. Brooke was a bit disoriented. She stopped to search for the signs for the elevators when suddenly a hand touched her shoulder and turned her around.
'I thought you had turned me down.' Deacon said as he lowered his mouth to hers in a gentle kiss.
'I'm sorry I was late, we were held up at the restaurant and then.' Deacon stopped her by placing his finger on her lips.
'You don't owe me an apology Brooke, you don't owe me anything at all.' But his eyes bore into hers with an intensity not matched by anyone she had ever known. Brooke felt weak in her knees and a now familiar warmth grew between her legs.
'I wanted to be here on time.' She managed to get out.
'You look beautiful. Would you like to have dinner?' He asked her.
'I already did.'
'Oh.' He said as he looked her up and down again. 'Who was the lucky man?'
'Ridge.' She whispered.
'Ridge.' He spit back. 'I should have known. How did you manage this Brooke? I thought he had given up. So it's back to Ridge Forrester again. You have the man of your dreams again. I should have known I could never match up to him.'
'It wasn't like that. It was just dinner. We're here on business together.' She explained. She then frowned and squinted at him. She didn't have to explain anything to him. It was only sex. She had a life that had nothing at all to do with Deacon Sharpe. She was not going to let him get to her.
'Is Taylor here too?' Deacon asked.
'Does that really matter?' Brooke asked.
'It shouldn't, but it does.' He admitted.
'Deacon.' She started. Again she found herself explaining herself and making excuses. She was angrier with herself and then she looked into his eyes once more and smiled. 'You're teasing me aren't you?'
'If it means a smile like that? Yes.' He said.
'Shall we go upstairs?' Brooke asked as she fished in her purse for her room key card.
'Wait.' He said. 'Will you come somewhere with me?'
Brooke looked around nervously.
'He's not here Brooke, and even if he is, it's really none of his business.'
'But Bridget.' She said. Further words were not needed.
'Bridget is my past.' He told her. 'Please Brooke, come with me.'
'Where?' She asked him.
He just smiled at her and took her hand. He led her to the classical Italian garden in which were set six swimming pools plus a Grand Patio that seemed to be right off of a movie set; as they walked she saw some of the best collection of restaurants in town. She was shocked to see an art gallery filled with, if not masterpieces certainly highly regarded works by some of the most famous modern and impressionist artists of the century. He walked her to a table in the garden that was set and a card with his name was next to the flowers. A bottle of Dom Perignon sat chilling in a wine bucket.
'This is amazing.' Brooke said. 'You set this all up?'
'I hoped you'd show. I almost gave up on you, on us.' He said as he cupped her chin and kissed her again. He held her chair out for her and she sat. He smiled and poured them each a glass of champagne. 'What shall we drink to?' He asked.
'I don't know.' She answered nervously.
'To second chances.' He said looking her deeply into the eyes. He took her hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it. Brooke sighed and sat back, finally relaxing.
'It's so beautiful here.' She said. She looked around again. The pool and the fountains were surrounded by plants and flowers. There were tables scattered all around but each one had it's own sense of privacy. There was music playing. Modern, popular music. It was soft and soothing. Some couples were dancing to it and Brooke smiled as she watched them.
'Dance with me Brooke.' Deacon said as he stood and took her hand.
'No, no I can't.'
'Why not?' He laughed. 'I know you can dance and believe it or not, so can I.'
'I'm sure you can, but we shouldn't even be out together in public.' Brooke told him. 'I was your mother-in-law Deacon. Do you know how cheap I feel?'
'You insult me Brooke, there is nothing cheap at all about my feelings for you.' He looked into her eyes with such sincerity she almost believed him. But still she had her doubts and she held back. 'Brooke, there is so much more between us than just sex. If that was it I'd have you in your bed right now, you know I would.'
'So now you're saying I'm easy?' She asked as she pulled her hand back from him. 'Now you've insulted me.'
'I didn't mean it as in insult. I meant that you and I know what we have in bed, it's strong, it's powerful. Neither of us can deny that Brooke. But I want more.' He suddenly stopped, he had even surprised himself with his declaration.
'I can't give you more Deacon, there's Bridget to think about.'
'Don't ever think I don't care about Bridget because I do Brooke. I do very much, but you were right. Bridget and I never should have been married. I ended it, I ended it for all of us, for me, for Bridget and yes, for you too Brooke. I've tasted paradise and I don't think I can give it up.'
'You're asking far too much of me Deacon. I can't offer anything more than the here and now. You say it isn't about sex, but it is, you know it is.'
'Dance with me.' He said in a persuasive tone. 'One dance and then whatever you want I'll do. You want to leave, you leave, you want me to come back to your room, I will. You want to see me again, we will and if you never want to see me again, well, I guess we do that too.'
'And one dance with you is going to make me change my feelings?' She asked with a nervous laugh.
'No, but it might make you open your eyes to them. I know you see something more in me Brooke, you see the real Deacon, even Bridget never saw him. Your eyes drill down to my soul Brooke Logan and you know it. Dance with me.' He repeated.
'One dance and then you'll do what ever I ask?' She asked him.
She held her hand out to him and he helped her from her chair. They walked out to the dance floor and he took her into his arms. The final strains of Unchained Melody played as they glided together. When the song ended Brooke looked up at him. 'Alright, you had your dance.'
'Oh no Brooke, that was less than half of a song, besides, I have a special song for us.' He turned to the DJ and gave him the thumbs up.
'You mean he's in on this too?' She gasped.
'Deacon Sharpe leaves nothing to chance.' He said. He pulled her tightly into his arms. 'Hold me and dance with me and listen to my heart and to yours too Brooke.'
She felt herself melting into his arms as the sounds of Lionel Richie filled the garden.
'This is us Brooke, this is us.' He said as they swayed ton the music.
Every time I see you and I look into your eyes
There's a feeling that I get
And it's way down deep inside, girl
I've been trying to hold on, but you say this you're not sure
I just hope you realize what my heart is going through
How long must this feeling go on
How long must I stand the pain and
How long, must this feeling go on
Waiting for the night
Waiting for the right time to come
I know all about the hurt and the problems in the past
I know why you're scared of love,
'Cause you think that it won't last long
Well, I'm here to tell you what I'm saying is all true
There ain't nobody else in life
That can take the place of you
How long must this feeling go on
How long must I stand the pain and
How long, must this feeling go on
Waiting for the night
Waiting for the right time to run
Why can't we just run away, and oh run
A place where we can be alone and nobody finds us, run
Can be both just run away, and oh run
Girl, I can't wait to have you
How long must this feeling go on
How long must I stand the pain and
How long must this feeling go on
Waiting for the night
Waiting for the right time to come, to come